You sure about that? Because that is not what happened to Fel during the Pet Revamp. Fel became very empty. Because of the pvp tamer imbalance, most pvpers stopped playing for a while. About 80% left the game. They did not come back until the pets were brought back to reasonable levels. Pvp came extremely close to being completely destroyed forever.
PVP is actual super player skill and it should be : Pvpers know the game mechanics and specialize in just ONE thing: To kill other players. There is no way any pet, even before the ninja nerfs, with pets doing 100% damage, could stop a GOOD PVPer. The PVPer would go not after the pet but after the tamer, in no time at all, and he could go through 5 tamers in a row with ease! And that is before the nerf, with 100% damaging pets, not 25% damaging.. But that would require that the PVPer would have REAL skill doing so. What the ninja nerf stick that hit the PVP pets did is : It made it easier for POOR PVPers, or the ones that have no real PVP playing skills to "PVP" or more frequently PK.
Thats my 10 cents, and I think that since obtaining PS became so important for tamers, and the only way to get them is to go to the PVP land, why nuke their weapons-pets?
Let me know how that makes sense for you, and also let me know the ethical reasoning for not PVP but PK that is 1000% a different thing. Looks like we have a conflict of interest here, and that PVP-Pkers have the upper hand again, i.e. players that have no honor or scrupples and would kill players that DO NOT want to PVP..
I think that Pets should have 100% damage against reds, if not 200%, as a penalty for being a CRIMINAL in this game. Again still I think that EVEN if the damage is not 25% as is now but 200% (as it should be for the above reasons), a "good" PVPer, can and will go through 5 tamers at a time EASILY, but may have a little challenge with higher hitting pets, that is if the tamer EVER gets a chance to say "all kill", and the tamer most of the time will not even know what hit him.(That is from a GOOD PVPer, not a newby, or a "wannabe" PVPer or PKer that has no good skills).
I also think radically in terms of FORGED PARDONS : I think that if you decide to be a criminal in UO-land, you should sustain REAL consequences, and there should be no pardons. This part of the system should be revisited. If you commit a crime murdering another player the consequences should be dire and irreversible, not reversible as it is now. Also if you get killed as a red, then the player who killed you should remove your head and keep it hostage, for whatever reward : money, or jail time for 1-2 months, or perm keep the head so you will not play again,etc, as is with some other UO offspins. Any rate forged pardons should not be able to be obtained, or : if a red uses a forged pardon there should be a chance of serious consequences like perm death of red character, stat loss or other..