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Pet Training - Strength


Stratics Veteran
Hi everyone. I need some clarification on training pets and adding strength. Since I started to train, I thought that maxing strength, maxed the damage output of the pet. After looking through the completed pet thread, I see a lot of pets under, and some considerably under 700 STR. Does STR affect all pet damage? Certain pets?
Any clarification would be great.



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Some are under 700 because their other stats didn't allow it (i.e. they have INT high as a base stat, such as the Giant Beetle with a base of 500).

Beyond that, some people spent points early on that they didn't know the effects of (I.E. where STR no longer affected HP, and INT no longer affected Mana once training began)


Stratics Veteran
Str is a pure damage modifier. It affects the melee damage more than anything else you can give your pet, with maybe the exception of Stamina for swing speed at 13 points.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ya there was a phase here where people were adding Intel instead of 700 STR. Those poor weak pets...

Put str to 700! Only beetles cant get to 700.


Stratics Veteran
Thanks for the replies everyone. Glad I was on track. Are all pets melee? Are there any caster pets that STR does not affect? Or, basically all pets melee?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for the replies everyone. Glad I was on track. Are all pets melee? Are there any caster pets that STR does not affect? Or, basically all pets melee?
Pets are melee with spells. Int does not make the spells stronger. Pets started using spells at a distance but the Devs changed it.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
One pet I rarely put 700 str on is a Ossien ram that I put scrolls on. If you take the necro route with one, it ends up so low on HP that it is useless if you up the str to 700. This one is still a useful pet (Actually very good in some situations) and still pulls big hits but had I gone 700 str and lower HP it would have been pretty much useless. As it is he is actually one of my main pets for farming specific things.

DR1.png DR6.png


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That is why I say they need more points!