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About goo...

J. E. Tamer

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Will my pet's goo do any of these things?
o Burn me?
o Burn my guildmates?
o Burn "blues"?
o Burn NPCs?
o Get my pet guard-whacked in town?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can attack your pet and get burned.

You can attack your guildies or their pets and they get burned.

You can attack blue players or NPCs.

If you go to town grey, you can get whacked.

Notice. You have to attack them. You will attack guildies when you accidently click their pet instead if the mob you wanted. It is common for two of our pets to be going at it after the boss drops on a spawn. And one of us will be grey. (call off the pets and invis the players and the pets will stop)

But this has nothing to do with Goo. You can do all those things without a special.

We did an EM pet fight and the audience is near. They had to move because one of the pet auras was hitting them. (because that pet was grey)

VvV members can be a pain if you hit them.

But if you have good control over your clicking, you will be fine. The pet will only attack grey things or what you tell it to attack.

J. E. Tamer

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So here're a couple of scenarios, tell me if I'm wrong about anything, please:

o Here we are battling Barracoon The Piper.
My pet is attacking only Barracoon the piper. My pet sprays goo.
- The goo hits Barracoon and does damage
- The goo hits Barracoon's summoned ratmen and does damage to them.
- The goo does not hit my "blue healer" friend who is nearby, nor any other blue-named person
- The goo does not hit me
- The goo does not hit my green-named allies
- The goo hits, damages, and reveals the orange-named wraith-form stealther
- The goo hits and damages all the orange-named people
- The goo hits and damages all the red-named people, and I become "gray" to them
- The goo hits and damages all the gray-named people, and I become "gray" to them

o Here we are in town (Trammel ruleset)
I tell my pet to attack a rat. My pet sprays goo.
- The goo kills the rat.
- The goo kills all the gray-named animals within range.
- The goo does not damage any blue-named "NPC"
- The goo does not damage any blue-named person
- My pet does not get guard-whacked

o Here we are in town (Felucca ruleset)
I tell my pet to attack a rat. My pet sprays goo.
- The goo kills the rat.
- The goo kills all the gray-named animals within range.
- The goo does not damage any blue-named "NPC"
- The goo does not damage any blue-named person
- The goo damages all orange-named people in range
- My pet does not get guard-whacked

Good so far? I am trying to decide whether to add Goo to my pet's attacks, or dragonbreath. Assume the pet has 700 hp for a decent dragonbreath, but also already has Armor Ignore which I would rather him use.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
- The goo hits, damages, and reveals the orange-named wraith-form stealther
I did not know this would happen.

Other than it always attacking VvV players, the senarios seem correct. I accidentally attacked our VvV guildie to make myself orange. I am not sure if pets see VvV players as hostile when they first meet.

Somebody else will have to answer that part.

But many abilities do area damage and are not causing trouble. Chiv has Holy Light.

The only problem I have had with area spells is they cause the pet to change to a new target that is away from the current target. If you are watching your pet, you can keep it on the target.

I have gone back to using my Goo, AI, chiv Cu at spawns.

Well darn, I just remebered, when I turned orange everybodys pets attacked me while we were looting. But Goo was not the issue.