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Ninjitsu Bushido training on a pet

James Krieg

Stratics Veteran
just a question maybe someone can help with.. I've tried to put Blade weave on a cu and I've tried it on a spider and for the life of me it will only get 1 gain maybe in a hour of solid fighting. I've tried it on shadow elementals, Navery, Allosuarus (sp) , swoops, orc dungeon, Arctic ogre lords. I just cannot get this to move. right now I tamed a frost spider for a upcoming event, put bladeweave and repel on it.. only those 2 things. and 115 scrolls on everything. including ninj and Bush.. it started me at 40 Bushido and 11 ninjitsu. 6 hours of fighting later i'm 42.4 Bush and 14 ninj. it has 650 mana and almost never uses it. what is the trick?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Take it to the slugs for a couple of hours. It needs to start with easier mobs until the skills are higher.

It will still gain slow.


Crazed Zealot
Would higher Bushi cause the Bladeweave spells/specials hit harder?(They include a bunch of moves plus AI..) Would higher bushido in this case caused inceased damage for these? I know that Bushi obtained this way, will not give other Bushi moves..Does any1 know know if some other bushi stuff is given? Like conf, LS etc? Thanks much in advance..

James Krieg

Stratics Veteran
I use Whisper constantly.. and have a taming 3 primer so the timer is more often. doesn't seem to help much. well I mean not for bushido and Ninjitsu.


Stratics Veteran
With bladeweave, different abilities use bushido or ninjitsu, and to gain it has to use that associated ability.

J. E. Tamer

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't know.
Mine own training hath been Nerve Strike (Bushido).

My pet spent long long hours bashing
o the slimes (underworld entrance slime pit -- watch every now and then to make sure thy pet hath not gone into the acid slugs)
o Gregorio the Brigand
o Earth elementals and dull copper elementals (entrance to Komotsu mines. Stand back; dull copper elementals explode when they die.)
o Greater earth elementals (Shame L2)
o Daemons (Hythloth room with two daemons in it)


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't know.
Mine own training hath been Nerve Strike (Bushido).

My pet spent long long hours bashing
o the slimes (underworld entrance slime pit -- watch every now and then to make sure thy pet hath not gone into the acid slugs)
o Gregorio the Brigand
o Earth elementals and dull copper elementals (entrance to Komotsu mines. Stand back; dull copper elementals explode when they die.)
o Greater earth elementals (Shame L2)
o Daemons (Hythloth room with two daemons in it)
That sounds right. You could toss in a few Navreys to at least be able to loot something.

Discord will speed it after it gains some points. If you have a bard that can run the spell song that increases mana regen, party with them and the pet will be able to use the ability more and get more gains.

All the magics gain slowly.

James Krieg

Stratics Veteran
thing is. i'm constantly monitoring the mana.. it uses like 25 and then nothing for a half hour.. I spent 6 hours on acid slugs this morning. I'm up to 44. 8 bushido and 25.8 ninj.. I've been using whisper instant it comes avail.. it has never used more than 75 mana ever. 115 focus 115 med and 30 mana regen. it just isn't trying to use the ability.. I've heard about adding certain things screw up a pet, this only uses Bladeweave and repel.. the only 2 options I've added beyond scrolls.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Allosaurus is a long fight. See if it uses its abilities when under stress.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Chiv training:


Were there yesterday also.

James Krieg

Stratics Veteran
I actually leveled this frost spider from slot 1 - slot 4 on that mob.1st round was pure pain. had to tank with a cu and let the spider get residual gains. was like watching paint dry.