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Prepatch WW templates


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Im looking to start training my PP WW. I want it solely for PvM. Any ideas on the best builds? Mostly solo stuff, and maybe some champ spawns. Not great with new training system so suggestions would be great! thanks!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Luckily I have a pre patch dragon left.
Wondering if the builds would be the similar...


Stratics Veteran
If you arent great with the new taming system, I would highly suggest training other things and getting a grasp on the system. when first starting with the system it's very easy to make mistakes as the system is totally unforgiving and it would be a shame to ruin a beautiful pet, and i have seen some beautiful wyrms ruined on atl.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
If you arent great with the new taming system, I would highly suggest training other things and getting a grasp on the system. when first starting with the system it's very easy to make mistakes as the system is totally unforgiving and it would be a shame to ruin a beautiful pet, and i have seen some beautiful wyrms ruined on atl.

I know how the system works, just really not sure on a template. Ive messed up a few Cu's learning it :) Was wondering what other people are doing with their WW's :)


I know how the system works, just really not sure on a template. Ive messed up a few Cu's learning it :) Was wondering what other people are doing with their WW's :)
I hear ya! I have a few legacy pets I want build just right after my decade long hiatus from the game. I too am curious about some solo’ing builds that the veterans have had success. I have two legacy WWs. My long term plan is to have one as a single target build and the other as an aoe build. I’m still figuring out the nuances of the system but I’m having a lot of fun on TC testing builds. (roughly estimating my builds since I don’t have any power scrolls...but getting a decent idea on things) If I come up with anything interesting, I’ll give you a shout.


Stratics Veteran
Like the Nightmare, they have more strength. >700 for the WW.
Needs a little further clarification as they still spawn with Up to 760 str.

Prepatch are 725+ str white wyrms that are three slot.

New ones with 520+ str spawn as 4 slot


Here is my old white wyrm. Trained him before I fully understood the system. STILL. He is an absolute Beast at Champ Spawns as he is. Didnt have 120 scrolls, so did a bunch of 110s. Wish I had have max'd HP regen. Goo is good at champ spawns, but if you have a champ pet, leave goo off and you have 100 points.
Ww1.JPG ww2.JPG ww3.JPG ww4.JPG ww5.JPG


Crazed Zealot
Here is my old white wyrm. Trained him before I fully understood the system. STILL. He is an absolute Beast at Champ Spawns as he is. Didnt have 120 scrolls, so did a bunch of 110s. Wish I had have max'd HP regen. Goo is good at champ spawns, but if you have a champ pet, leave goo off and you have 100 points.
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Nice! What do you mean by 'if you have a champ pet leave goo off till you have 100 points? Can you please clarify? Thanks ..
Also dont you have to add goo first so you will not lose the armor ignore? ty again..


Stratics Veteran
In regards to "mainly" single target...What WW builds have been successful for people? What is a waste of time?
I have a PP WW, and really don't want to F it up... only one shot.

Thanks all!


Nice! What do you mean by 'if you have a champ pet leave goo off till you have 100 points? Can you please clarify? Thanks ..
Also dont you have to add goo first so you will not lose the armor ignore? ty again..
Its just sometimes i question the goo, and wonder if i would have been better off just straight magery / AI. Takes mana to cast it and all. At champ spawns thpugh, goo is great. Just saying if you dont add goo you have points for something else.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
During Dev talk, they said they'll add mana cost for specials on The wiki page...
Can't wait


Stratics Veteran
In regards to "mainly" single target...What WW builds have been successful for people? What is a waste of time?
I have a PP WW, and really don't want to F it up... only one shot.

Thanks all!
Training the white wyrm is much like training any other pet, which is why i suggest people to train and work on other pets before training their legacys. FInd what spec's work for them.


Crazed Zealot
Its just sometimes i question the goo, and wonder if i would have been better off just straight magery / AI. Takes mana to cast it and all. At champ spawns thpugh, goo is great. Just saying if you dont add goo you have points for something else.
Thanks for info..


Crazed Zealot
It would re
During Dev talk, they said they'll add mana cost for specials on The wiki page...
Can't wait
It would really suck if they meant that they are considering adding more mana cost to specials. All the ninja nerfs are pretty bad as they are now, including conduction blast lasting 1-3 seconds, and other specials/debufs lasting very few seconds, pets running out of mana faster now etc. They need to add a way so that pets would replenish mana, like a taming mastery cast that would help pets replenish mana faster etc.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
that would be nice, mana replenishing mastery...

think they meant listing what costs what


Stratics Veteran
It would re

It would really suck if they meant that they are considering adding more mana cost to specials. All the ninja nerfs are pretty bad as they are now, including conduction blast lasting 1-3 seconds, and other specials/debufs lasting very few seconds, pets running out of mana faster now etc. They need to add a way so that pets would replenish mana, like a taming mastery cast that would help pets replenish mana faster etc.

It was asked if they could post the mana cost of abilities for better analysis. THey said they would add it to the wiki. I just hope it's sooner rather than later.