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The Pet does not train this skill


Hello all,

I was recently training a new giant beetle (Bailey) and at 4 slots going into 5 I kept getting a message spammed that the pet does not train from this skill. I thought it odd at the time and moved on. I had the same problem last night with 4 going to 5 slot cu. I am concerned, am I missing a skill? Should I be training that skill that the notice alerts me to? Both pets had gm wrestling and scrolled to 115, parry was 90ish on both, spell resist 80ish and both pets had under gm skills in the chosen extras (spellweave for cu and poisoning for beetle). I have not seen anyone else ask the question. Am I missing a skill I should be training? Or is my pet trying to use something I took away? Please help and thank you in advance!


Stratics Veteran
Most likely you are at the cap for that mob. Going from 3>4 slots, your pet will only gain 50% of its level on a single enemy. Going 4>5 slots, your pet will only gain 25% of its level per enemy. What are you leveling it on?


i notice that a lot when my pet resists a spell while training. for some reason resist throws that message even though i can be gaining like crazy off melee hits with the same mob.


i notice that a lot when my pet resists a spell while training. for some reason resist throws that message even though i can be gaining like crazy off melee hits with the same mob.
I was training off the crazy mage and at the shadow ele in tonk mine. I also had it from the Balron in Blackthorn's dungeon.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Most likely you are at the cap for that mob. Going from 3>4 slots, your pet will only gain 50% of its level on a single enemy. Going 4>5 slots, your pet will only gain 25% of its level per enemy. What are you leveling it on?
I was training off the crazy mage and at the shadow ele in tonk mine. I also had it from the Balron in Blackthorn's dungeon.

You'll get that message from everything you fight. If it lives long enough...
Evil mages, EVs and those blue dinos will give you the same message even if you can still gain from them. You can gain a lot more at lower levels, like Khyro said, 25% max at higher levels...


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was training off the crazy mage and at the shadow ele in tonk mine. I also had it from the Balron in Blackthorn's dungeon.
Do you mean this msg?


Sometimes you get it for no reason. Notice how my pet did gain from that, 10 seconds later.

You also get it when you have trained as much as possible from a Mob or the Mob is too low to train on.

1 and 2 slot pets can get 100% from a Crazy mage. 3 slots 50%. 4 slots 25%. After you use a mob you have to kill it and start on another.


Do you mean this msg?

View attachment 76785

Sometimes you get it for no reason. Notice how my pet did gain from that, 10 seconds later.

You also get it when you have trained as much as possible from a Mob or the Mob is too low to train on.

1 and 2 slot pets can get 100% from a Crazy mage. 3 slots 50%. 4 slots 25%. After you use a mob you have to kill it and start on another.
Thank you. It is one of the oddest things I have seen, they should have just made the message say "your pet can no longer learn anything from this target". I feel a lot better, always worried I will mess up the training. Thanks again!