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Lesser Hiryus and Bushido


Stratics Veteran
Hope someone can help me. I'm training a lesser hiryu from 2 to 3 slot, and trying to add bushido. It says it will cost 0 points. Is it bugged? Would I be able to add it, and just do the math to include the 500 points in the planner?

During the first round I added AI, resists, and some stats

Thanks in advance,



I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The planner does not work. Add it when you are ready.


Stratics Veteran
Thanks for the reply! Unfortunately this means I threw away a perfectly good Fire steed! It was suggested to me that I build an AI, Chiv, Goo Fire Steed. I added AI, and Goo, and then afterwards could not add Chiv, or at least it appeared I could not (same issue) so I threw it out. Live and learn! Nonetheless, Thanks Pawain


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for the reply! Unfortunately this means I threw away a perfectly good Fire steed! It was suggested to me that I build an AI, Chiv, Goo Fire Steed. I added AI, and Goo, and then afterwards could not add Chiv, or at least it appeared I could not (same issue) so I threw it out. Live and learn! Nonetheless, Thanks Pawain
You have to have positive Karma to add Chiv.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I ran into the exact same issue with my lesser hiryu. Funny thing is, I did the same as you. AI in first round. Then in the planner for 2nd round it showed zero in red when I added bushido. I just made sure I left 501 points free and finished planning. I had no issues actually adding bushido.

As for the fire steed, I agree with Pawain, make sure you have positive karma. I had no issues, as I have high positive karma. Also make sure you add goo first, AI second and chiv last. The fire steed will burn through mana like crazy, but it’s, imho, a fun build. I have yet to finish it though, but I will one day......