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Accidentally put 700 in on my bane.


Crazed Zealot
How can I turn him into a decent pet after that mistake???
I beat you...I put 1500 int accidentally on a dog, but that was on TC1 test shard, but made me realize how easy it was to mess up.
Is this your only bane? If so, Would try to prioritize its other upgrades, but do it first on TC1 and see how it works.
I can feel your pain. Not too long ago I made a booboo and I sold another rare pet, a Dreadhorse for 20M to a "smart" buyer not knowing that its real value at that time was like 500M..But I learned my lesson, I made that mistake, and I accepted that...Anyways..
It nay not be too bad tho, I bet you can still make a good pet out of him. Hoping that some of our bane specialists like Donovon and others who has upgraded several banes may have some words..
Just wait don't upgrade him any more and wait for expert advice..
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Stratics Veteran
Good afternoon ..did ya give it 700 Int? If so you are in luck.. it can be saved.. =^-^= and still be a decent pet.. Just make sure to increase the dex and stam to 150 ( also make sure to max base damage during round 3-4 and 4-5 seen so many good pets shot in the foot because this was not done).. his str will only be about 645ish after all is said and done.. but luckly banes are magery pets.. so when it self blesses it will gain 91str filling in the lacking stats.... basicly all you have done is given the bane about 12-14 mana regen.. if you want lets meet on test and we will see what we can forge ..I would say you can save it and itwill be a masterful pet... I have a build that uses max int and magery to fill in the gaps I made for a friends rune beetle and a ranged bane... I think ya will enjoy the build... Just let me know when and I will meet ya on test..until then..don't lose heart.. remember that some of the best discoverys were mistakes.. =^-^=
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Crazed Zealot
Good afternoon ..did ya give it 700 Int? If so you are in luck.. it can be saved.. =^-^= and still be a decent pet.. Just make sure to increase the dex and stam to 150 .. his str will only be about 645ish after all is said and done.. but luckly banes are magery pets.. so when it self blesses it will gain 91str filling in the lacking stats.... basicly all you have done is given the bane about 12-14 mana regen.. if you want lets meet on test and we will see what we can forge ..I would say you can save it and itwill be a masterful pet... I have a build that uses max int and magery to fill in the gaps I made for a friends rune beetle and a ranged bane... I think ya will enjoy the build... Just let me know when and I will meet ya on test..until then..don't lose heart.. remember that some of the best discoverys were mistakes.. =^-^=
Very nice.
Donovon, an unrelated question : What is your exp. with conductive blast for the Cusidhes? Does this spell proc off intelligence of the caster vs spell resistance of what the dog is attacking? or the inteligence of what he is attacking? Any help with this greatly appreciated.


Stratics Veteran
conblast is like the grasping claw for cus.. only 50% less effective... as the cu attack is only 50% energy(also doesn't lower phy attack of oppent like G. claw does).. it use to be a pretty nice damage increase until they nerfed its duration down to 4 sec.. then it became a mana sink.. =* [ Sadly, its not a proc like poison skill is to melee.. instead it has a steady mana charge for it..but luckly they did reduce that cost from 30 to 15 to make it less of a mana sink... needless to say its still no RC/ G. claw.. and adding it often is more of a damage decrease over all because of the huge tax on your mana pool(unless you are bringing it as a debuff pet for other tamers Cus,reps and other pets that use energy as part of their main damage).. Vs just a steady flow of Armor ignores going off.. ..was half asleep when I posted the first reply to this so edited it abit.. hehe ...hope it helps mate.. =^-^=
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Stratics Veteran
I'm normally not up this late... but I am today.. to meet me on test in new haven =^-^=


Crazed Zealot
conblast is like the grasping claw for cus.. only 50% less effective... as the cu attack is only 50% energy(also doesn't lower phy attack of oppent like G. claw does).. it use to be a pretty nice damage increase until they nerfed its duration down to 4 sec.. then it became a mana sink.. =* [ Sadly, its not a proc like poison skill is to melee.. instead it has a steady mana charge for it..but luckly they did reduce that cost from 30 to 15 to make it less of a mana sink... needless to say its still no RC/ G. claw.. and adding it often is more of a damage decrease over all because of the huge tax on your mana pool(unless you are bringing it as a debuff pet for other tamers Cus,reps and other pets that use energy as part of their main damage).. Vs just a steady flow of Armor ignores going off.. ..was half asleep when I posted the first reply to this so edited it abit.. hehe ...hope it helps mate.. =^-^=
Thank you very much Don..