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Favorite Area Effect for a Nightmare & Multiple Targets

Eric Ravenwind

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What is your favorite area effect ability, and what order should I pick it on my pet?

For a Nightmare, or any other pet you like.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Start from the bottom and go up. Goo is the most popular, it has more reach and does more damage than the others.

Some pets only get one choice from specials. So try out what you want to make on TC first.
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Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I hate to disagree with you Pawain, but nightmares can only get one extra special. They have magery and dragon breath. And there is no way to “overwrite” dragon breath. I know this because I tried to do just what you suggested and lost the ability to add anything after I picked goo.
I have 2 suggestions, either add AI to the nightmare and be happy. Or if you really have your heart set on having both goo and AI, then go with another pet, fire steed, unicorn (if toon is female) or ki-rin (if toon is male).
I personally have a fire steed with goo, AI and chiv.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I personally have a fire steed with goo, AI and chiv.
Sounds good. I did not have a Nightmare to look at. I did have a Fire steed. I noticed they have the same abilities as a Nightmare so I figured they should be able to get both. Ill remove that part. Sorry


I should edit some of my early Pet Type pages to include what they can and can not get. That way I don't have to remember or try one out.


Stratics Veteran
What is your favorite area effect ability, and what order should I pick it on my pet?

For a Nightmare, or any other pet you like.
Actually I have a different suggestion. If you want an AOE, I would pick Frenzied Whirlwind. It's decent single target DPS and a great AOE. And as Mordha said, you can only get one special on a Nightmare.


Stratics Veteran
My favorite is built into a pet.. I speak of course of The bane dragons passive... on its own its truly effectlive but pare it off with any of the other aoes and you will see an aoe pets of unmatched spawn clearing power.. My favorite builds for aoe are the exp goo, Ai, magery Banes and the V. bites , Ai, magery banes.. There are of course many other aoe combos with them,,but these 2 are way ahead of the pack damage wise...I know this was a thread for mares.. but since aoe was the topic I figured I would plug my favorite aoe pets.. =^-^=