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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Was training my Ossein Ram in Shame, he's not gone through even the first round of training yet, and a weird icon popped up on my buff bar. I've never heard of this except with the parry mastery, which he doesn't have, or any other mastery, and I can't find anything when I try to search it online, either here or the www.

I use the peace mastery when I'm training pet skills, and have a bog standard peace tamer template.

Anyone got any ideas?


Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can only guess that this is a 'special' of the pet, something like the unicorn's ability to cure poison. The devs do like to add things unadvertised and wait for someone to discover them :)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The thought had occurred, but, I'm usually the last one who will discover this stuff!


Stratics Veteran
You will enjoy it mate.. its one of the reasons the rideing code was removed from them in pvp..because the moment you dismounted them they protected you.. if you have them at 120 wrest and 120 parry that buffed absorbs a crazy amount of damage( nearly 50%-80%).. is kinda of a pvp secret ,most pvp tamer keep under their hat... but now that its out there they can't really get mad at me for saying anything..... ^_~
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Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You will enjoy it mate.. its one of the reasons the rideing code was removed from them in pvp..because the moment you dismounted them they protected you.. if you have them at 120 wrest and 120 parry that buffed absorbs a crazy amount of damage( nearly 50%-80%).. is kinda of a pvp secret ,most pvp tamer keep under their hat... but now that its out there they can't really get mad at me for saying anything..... ^_~
Even outside of PvP in PvM it is great :) There is a reason my tank tamer runs with a ram and it is not because the ram is a epic PvM pet, good back up in any melee tamer template. Of course I would give that up for them to be rideable LOL.


Stratics Veteran
I remember before the mana regen nerf on test when you could mount them.. run in with a 120ed out nerco ram and it would clear the spawn for you and pop the champ in less then 15 mins... and if someone did raid you ..you just got close to the ram and laughed as your HP hardly moved to their attacks..then have the ram own them...lol oh man you know they are so going to look into this pet and nerf it now.. but one secret out of 50ish most testers have kept out of the main light is not bad.. =^-^=
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Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I remember before the mana regen nerf on test when you could mount them.. run in with a 120ed out nerco ram and it would clear the spawn for you and pop the champ in less then 15 mins... and if someone did raid you ..you just got close to the ram and laughed as your HP hardly moved to their attacks..then have the ram own them...lol oh man you know they are so going to look into this pet and nerf it now.. but one secret out of 50ish most testers have kept out of the main light is not bad.. =^-^=
Well it is working as designed and intended :)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Think I saw every tamer run to tame these...
Yeah they were on the must tame list for everyone early on and then everyone looked at how badly they tamed out overall compared to other pets and missed the bigger picture. Which is fair as they are really not a great pet for the garden variety tamer/mage/weaver template. But there are a lot of pets that have attributes that benefit more specialized templates and specific circumstances.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
EQ and I came up with a PvM use for it. He likes to do the Turtle spawn. The Turtle damages everything around. If we could keep the thing alive, maybe it would reduce our damage taken.

Here the info:

Battle Defense
Trains the creature in the disarm and paralyze special moves. Also trains the creature in the Heightened Senses & Shield Bash mastery abilities.

Title: The Deflector

Shield Bash
When activated the shield user will execute a shield bash on successfully hitting or parrying their opponent causing physical damage and paralyzing their opponent, interrupts spells if players are not immune to paralyze, based on parry skill, best weapon skill, and mastery level. Damage is capped in pvp at 35.

Body Guard
The shield user chooses a protectee to absorb a percentage of damage done to the protectee based on parry skill, best weapon skill, and mastery level.

Heightened Senses
Toggle ability that provides the Parrying Master with increased chance to parry based on parry skill, best weapon skill and mastery level that consumes mana while active.

Im more of a 100% damage reduction tamer. (Invis)