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Started a tamer lastnight and used a token .....


Stratics Veteran
I started off using a chiv/ai cu, but have switched to my ai/bushido lesser and havent looked back, his survivability is insane.


Stratics Veteran
Good morning and welcome to the tamer family.. You are in for a treat.. so many fine pets to try and have fun with.. and each one you can build to fit your given need... If you have any questions feel free to post on these forums .. there are many skilled tamers and people that will aid you .. as for your current question.. if you like I have a number of 120ed out full speced pets.. and I would gladly meet you on test shard to well let you take them for a test ride.. and see if you like any of the specs.. but don't feel that you have to be limited to those specs.. most of the fun of the new system is just trying new pets and things and finding new combos.. .. once again welcome =^-^=


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Blue Beetle for me and my T Hunter. Rune Corruption, Armor Ignore, 120 wrestle, anat, tact, resist and parry. He strolls through most everything lvl6 and below and not horrible at chipping away at lvl7 guardians. And as pointed out can carry most or all of the phat loot to the trash can or forge for unraveling or smelting.


Crazed Zealot
Blue Beetle for me and my T Hunter. Rune Corruption, Armor Ignore, 120 wrestle, anat, tact, resist and parry. He strolls through most everything lvl6 and below and not horrible at chipping away at lvl7 guardians. And as pointed out can carry most or all of the phat loot to the trash can or forge for unraveling or smelting.
Tyrath was there a reason you did not add poison to the G.Beetle? Thanks in advance..