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Does Intelligence Effect Spell Power on Pets?


Stratics Veteran
Good evening Eric, It does , but not enough to the point you would want to invest in it... When the taming system landed in Pub 97 they had just unlinked it from mana pool and for the first month or so it did 100% nothing... since then they have buffed it to offer a super small amount of spell power to the point that you only truly see the diff on pets like serpent dragons which are born with well over 1k... They have also buff its effect on pets ,mana regen.(they have done this 3 times that I am aware of).. the last Number crunch that was run I believe it was pinged that for pets 7.5 int = .15 mana regen on pets... or a better format is that is 500 int = 10-12 mana regen on non super mana pets( sometimes the game round up on certain pets) , or for most pets 125 int =2.5-3 mana regen. a lot of test were run on pets having higher int and smaller mana pools to see if it would balance out... in the end The extra regen just was not worth high HP, str, and other stats... If you are looking to make a pets spells have more bang for their buck they are a lot like players in the way the tie on skills work..there are some that are stand alone like chiv and spell weaving that just require a nice 120 and stat builds for max damage output... then there are ones like magery that eval gives your spells more bang, myst/focus,nerco/ss... if you want max damage output for those pets the PS are the real # changes for the pain they bring... Honestly when it comes to Int until they give it more then just a mana regen buff I would use those points in other places.. hope this helps.. if ya have anymore questions feel free to ask.. =^-^=


Stratics Veteran
I have to disagree to and with some respect. I have been testing and noticed that pets with a higher intel seem to agro quicker on the enemy. They also seem to find the target at much greater a distance. I went on test center and maxed my pet to 700 intel from the 210 it was normally at then went to narvey. When narvey tossed him across the cave, he was able to come back without having to be told to rekill or to follow. I did this on the same pet with the lower intel and noticed not only was he not able to retarget narvey from across the cave, but had a more difficult time locking on to the crazed mage. I again put the high intel pet from around the corner to the crazed mage and he was able to zig zag around the obstacles to find him whereas the low intel pet had to have a direct line of sight. Hope this helps.