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Advice on Shadow Wyrm

Eric Ravenwind

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My Shadow Wyrm boned today. He can't be raised any slots as he started out at 5. He's got 560-ish HP and about the same mana.

The only saving grace on this thing is its STR (967), and Base Damage (29-35). He's got both Necromancy and Magery + Dragon Breath.

If I assume correctly, his skills won't go any higher than 100.0.

Are these good pets? What can be done with them?


I too was so excited to tame a shadow wyrm, he was ok in the field. I ended up guard whacking mine the other day becase i wanted to stable my squirrel.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Was so excited when we could finally tame them but the DEVs saw fit to make them one of the lamest dragons ever... It's sad.

IMO they should be able to animate dead and all that just like they normally would and they shouldn't be treated like a GD and lose 1/2 their skills or more when you tame them... they should keep what they have they suck so bad as pet it's honestly a joke. Since they nerfed the crap out of most of it's skills... it can't cast revenant, can't animate dead, can't use most the skills that make it really nice.... and it's stats take a massive dive when you tame it ... just sad.