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What can tamers solo?


Stratics Veteran
Im trying to gear up my toons and havent had much luck finding anything worth keeping off of Miesa, oni, dragons, etc. Any recommendations? Or should i just continue farming them? Bout 1600 luck is what i been running with

Ford Taunus

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Some high end: Navrey for 15mil worth tangle? Deceit undeath champ with GOO pet?

Max Blackoak

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
a better question would be the opposite question: what CAN'T a tamer solo (given the appropriate template and trained pet)...

with the right fully trained pet and the appropriate template for both you and the pet there is little content nowadays that can't be done solo. The time needed is another story of course, at least in some cases...


Stratics Veteran
Im open to ANY suggeations. I spent 2 hiurs on the balrons in blackrock and got 2 minax arties. Those sell well or am i supposed to save them up for a tangle?


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Im open to ANY suggeations. I spent 2 hiurs on the balrons in blackrock and got 2 minax arties. Those sell well or am i supposed to save them up for a tangle?
That's about right one per hour...