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Magery Mastery fixed?

Gabriel Rowe

I haven't been able to test due to lack pets w/ the skill r/n. I was watching a bane for a bit (30 mins or so) lore'ing off and on, physical resist never dropped. Did the dev's fix? Does the debuff show up on the lore gump?


Stratics Veteran
Last time i checked this i was doing the Halloween event and it was still happeming, however there seemed to be a timer associated with it as it returned to normal after a couple of minutes

Grace of Minoc

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Checked just now on a Phoenix. He still dropped in physical and raised his other resists quite often.
75-75-70-70-75 to 55-85-80-80-85.

He also would not teleport anymore, and he never cast bless on himself (which I think he never would compared to my non mage
mastery pets who keep bless up almost all the time.)

Gabriel Rowe

Checked just now on a Phoenix. He still dropped in physical and raised his other resists quite often.
75-75-70-70-75 to 55-85-80-80-85.

He also would not teleport anymore, and he never cast bless on himself (which I think he never would compared to my non mage
mastery pets who keep bless up almost all the time.)
Thank you for confirming, I read they fixed the rune corruption bug and was curious to know if this got looked at as well.

Grace of Minoc

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
He was on an island and wanted him to teleport to the land piece across within
teleport distance. When I first trained him up, he would teleport across this spot.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
He was on an island and wanted him to teleport to the land piece across within
teleport distance. When I first trained him up, he would teleport across this spot.
My dread spider just teleported off a boat to attack a target.

You had the pet too far from the target.
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Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yep my mare still teleports onto pirate ships that are not scuttled yet :)