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Tamables that need Dev Team Love


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'll start it off with Dread Spiders.

"Some" should spawn as two sloters.

Why? They are weak compared to other pets like Giant Beetles, Fire Beetles, Cu's, lesser hiyru's, etc...


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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I agree I was sadly disappointed with them after the initial start of the new taming stuff... had the most awesome pet and it was nerfed to near death... it's still fun... but it can't kill anything hardly anymore too weak...


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
From a thread I made when it came out.

A 3 or 4 slot Skree does not have enough points at 5 slots.

Dread Spider same.

Tsuki Wolf same

Phoenix same

3 slot horses

4 slot Rune Beetle

Bake Kitsune

Ki-rin and unicorn

Shadow Wyrm

Dragon Wolf

Ossein Ram


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
From a thread I made when it came out.

A 3 or 4 slot Skree does not have enough points at 5 slots.

Dread Spider same.

Tsuki Wolf same

Phoenix same

3 slot horses

4 slot Rune Beetle

Bake Kitsune

Ki-rin and unicorn

Shadow Wyrm

Dragon Wolf

Ossein Ram
I can agree with that... the Dragon wolf while interesting looking is WEAK... Shadow Wyrm compared to a "real" one... is lame even if you managed to get a 4 slot one it's still garbage fully trained... Unicorn... I'm liking mine... but that's me... Phoenix like the Dread Spider nerfed into uselessness... it's a "novelty" pet now nothing more... the others I haven't tried.

Gabriel Rowe

I really don't feel like there is any good necro pet currently. Tuski's, ossien rams should get buffed. I also think the new mares should get necro or necromage as 1 point.

Gabriel Rowe

also, might be off topic a bit, but ethy's shouldn't count as a pet slot, it severely limits what pets can be used by these races, garg's can use ANY pet (even mountables) and still have mountable speed.

*Edit - Ethy's counting as 1 slot severely limit what pets can be used conveniently by these races
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Lord Arm

Stratics Veteran
pets are powerful enough, period. not all pets can/will be viable. this will never end, being some pets more powerful than others, then others wont be powerful than the others, then we have to nerf, on and on. there's other things more important. just my opinions

Gabriel Rowe

pets are powerful enough, period. not all pets can/will be viable. this will never end, being some pets more powerful than others, then others wont be powerful than the others, then we have to nerf, on and on. there's other things more important. just my opinions
I hear you, I'm not saying all pets should be equal, OP was which pets should get looked at given the new patch. There are certain pets/builds/skills that are completely lack luster right now. Given how vast the new taming system is, there should be a bit more to choose from for certain pets imo.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i mean really your only 2 options for a viable mare build rn is magery or magery mastery even for 2 slotters...
Which would be fine if Necro and Necromage had a pet that was mountable and could end up with the same stats as the Nightmare.

Why cant the Ki rin start at the same stats as a Nightmare?

pets are powerful enough, period. not all pets can/will be viable. this will never end, being some pets more powerful than others, then others wont be powerful than the others, then we have to nerf, on and on. there's other things more important. just my opinions
We are not asking to over power these pets. Why cant they have equal power to the other pets that can be made?

Gabriel Rowe

Which would be fine if Necro and Necromage had a pet that was mountable and could end up with the same stats as the Nightmare.

Why cant the Ki rin start at the same stats as a Nightmare?

We are not asking to over power these pets. Why cant they have equal power to the other pets that can be made?
Exactly, there are so many pets/builds that are not worth investing the time/stable slots in right now simply because of their low stats/ hi cost of training.

*Edit - most are very close to being viable but just fall short for any real difficult content