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Dragon turkle training?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
4=>5 slots,
I thought that I would be able to do awesome stuff, but NO...
No new combat abilities no specials? No area effects? No bandaging? No armor ignore? No goo? No whirlwind?

So I can give him mysticism but wouldn't that take away his magery?

Has anyone else trained a dragon turkle, what advices can you give me?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
4=>5 slots,
I thought that I would be able to do awesome stuff, but NO...
No new combat abilities no specials? No area effects? No bandaging? No armor ignore? No goo? No whirlwind?

So I can give him mysticism but wouldn't that take away his magery?

Has anyone else trained a dragon turkle, what advices can you give me?
Adding a magic will make magery go away.

Setting resists makes it instantly better than no training. Also you can put scrolls on it. Adding regens will make it better. That 1501 points will go fast.

Join the crowd, put Chivalry on it!


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My friends lust after my turtle, after I did the same things that Pawain suggests. I was lucky - a departing friend left me his stuff when he quit the game, and that included 6 120 Wrestling PS that were considered near-worthless back then. With the training, I found myself at a distinct advantage from already having those PS.