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Training jumping a slot?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Isn't it supposed to go from 3=>4, not 3=>5? I've had that option on 3 others but can't remember if they said 3=>4 or 3=>5. In other words, I can't remember for sure but it seems like a new tame would train 3=>4 and not skip a level. This is the only white cu (pre-imbuing sadly) I was ever lucky enough to tame, hate to trash it because there maybe only some minor coding to fix. I have no idea but can only hope.

I've tried turning in a bug report but UO won't open a browser anymore for some odd reason. I'd like to see this resolved for people who have become attached to their pixels. Does anyone have any ideas how to contact a dev or the url for a bug report? I am sure they are aware of this but the more they can look at a mechanic that is broken, maybe they'll have more info needed to correct it.


View attachment 74592



Stratics Veteran
Good evening mate... fear not.. all is well.. the number on the left is the slot it currently is... the one on the right is how far you can train it.. like some pets are1=>3 this mean it can only be trained 2 times and will for ever be a 3 slot... so 3=>5 mean its a 3 slot pet.. each time you reach 100% and invest all 1500 of the points the number on the left will move up one and the bar will return to start the next 100% to get the next 1500 points... once it says 5=>5 then the pet is fully trained in the new system.. hope this helps abit.. if ya have anymore questions feel free to ask, post or message me.. =^-^=


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good evening mate... fear not.. all is well.. the number on the left is the slot it currently is... the one on the right is how far you can train it.. like some pets are1=>3 this mean it can only be trained 2 times and will for ever be a 3 slot... so 3=>5 mean its a 3 slot pet.. each time you reach 100% and invest all 1500 of the points the number on the right will move up one and the bar will return to start the next 100% to get the next 1500 points... once it says 5=>5 then the pet is fully trained in the new system.. hope this helps abit.. if ya have anymore questions feel free to ask, post or message me.. =^-^=

Thank you Donavan. I will go through the menu and train now to see if it jumps a slot again or not. I've had to recopy my character twice because of this. The Cu will jump 2 slots at 3 all the way to 5. I'll try again.


Stratics Veteran
bare in mind that as you invest the points it will move up.. like say you pet is 3=>5 and you invest 600 of the 1500 points.. well the slot will then move up once ya pass the math boarder to 4=>5 but so long as after you have spent the remaining points its still 4=>5 and the blue buttons appears to bring the bar back up again then you are fine.. a few of us got juked by that early on when slot jumping was a huge thing.. if you need I will gladly join you on test and help you iron out any details .. just let me know =^-^=


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Donavon, thank you for everything you did. I'll look Kry up thank you very much for your generosity.