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Question about adding Bushido via Bladeweave?

Gabriel Rowe

Will adding Bushido via Bladeweave passively increase parry? I fully understand that the Bushido skills such as evade, lightning strike, etc... wont be used, however I have heard conflicting suggestions supporting both side of whether or not parry is effected? I have seen a few cu's running bladeweave/mystic but I'm not sure if that's just to scrub bleed. Any clarity on the matter is greatly appreciated, thank you in advance!


UO Forum Moderator
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The Publish notes seem to say that this is no longer possible, and that you need to have Bushido before Bladeweave is allowed to be added.

"Advanced Pet Training Process: Special Move Bladeweave now requires the additional Bushido skill when trained."

But, I'm not sure.

Gabriel Rowe

Doesn't it add it via cost? So instead of the skill costing 100 it's 500 or 501? I know that frenzied whirlwind did that on my naja recently.

Edit* It did that w/ ninjitsu


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Yes it adds bushido at a additional 500 points now. And yes the ones that were given bladeweave prior to the fix still benefit from 120/120 bushi pary passive bonus.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes it adds bushido at a additional 500 points now. And yes the ones that were given bladeweave prior to the fix still benefit from 120/120 bushi pary passive bonus.
I made this Cu at the beginning. right before we found out it was fake Bushido.

I just took it out. The bushido skill is rising. Will I get the blocking ability? Can I make it now and get the blocking bonus? You wont convince me that Bladeweaves random hits are good. Especially if most dont do anything.


Gabriel Rowe

Yes it adds bushido at a additional 500 points now. And yes the ones that were given bladeweave prior to the fix still benefit from 120/120 bushi pary passive bonus.
Ahhh, so I would of need to have added it before the patch to get the passive synergy bonus with parry? If I were to make it now it would only effect the skill I give it (be it bladeweave or nervestrike) correct?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ahhh, so I would of need to have added it before the patch to get the passive synergy bonus with parry? If I were to make it now it would only effect the skill I give it (be it bladeweave or nervestrike) correct?
I believe it works the same as pre patch with only difference being it cost an additional 500 points. I have only added BW to one pet post patch and have not played with it much or enough to raise the bushi high enough to really test it.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I made this Cu at the beginning. right before we found out it was fake Bushido.

I just took it out. The bushido skill is rising. Will I get the blocking ability? Can I make it now and get the blocking bonus? You wont convince me that Bladeweaves random hits are good. Especially if most dont do anything.

View attachment 74429
The BW was valuable imo because it gave passive bushi and enough of the useful specials went off to make it worthwhile, while still giving the 40% parry. The trouble was it took 9,000,001 years to get bushi to 120 via BW. Not arguing that it is the best route to take. Adding real Bushi and AI, Mortal strike is a much better route. I have one Hiryu I trained up bushi via BW (Pre patch) that gets the 40% parry but is not a most favored pet because the BW spec moves are not very reliable and as you point out most are useless.

Gabriel Rowe

I believe it works the same as pre patch with only difference being it cost an additional 500 points. I have only added BW to one pet post patch and have not played with it much or enough to raise the bushi high enough to really test it.
Thank you very much for the response! This is the exact answer I was hoping for, gonna try it out on my next build!

Gabriel Rowe

Here's what I decided to try out on a normal hue'd cu I tamed w/ max health. Still has room for all scrolls, left off the 120 ninja to leave room for 120 parry and add more mana.

UOSA - Gabriel Rowe (Atlantic)  11_29_2017 2_23_44 PM.png UOSA - Gabriel Rowe (Atlantic)  11_29_2017 2_24_10 PM.png

Gabriel Rowe

Aaaaaand, just realized that feint is covered under bladeweave so it was removed while training up skills... back to the drawing boards on this one...