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Just Hit the First 100% - Help Me Pick Stuff !!

Eric Ravenwind

Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Just hit the first 100% on my Hiryu. I'm not sure how to beef this guy up. I'm thinking about maxing out Physical Resist, Cold Resist & increasing Hit Points.

I've got 120 Animal Taming, 120 Animal Lore, and 120 Veterinary.

Also, how do i give my pet power scrolls?


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For the power scrolls, have the scrolls in your pack.

Go to the training menu, look for the skill sections (one for casting, one for combat).

Choose the area you want, select the skill you want, then adjust the intensity similar to how Imbuing works.

Click the button to train, and it will bring up a confirmation gump. Once confirmed, the PS will disappear out of your pack.

Repeat for all skills you are going to raise the caps on.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just hit the first 100% on my Hiryu. I'm not sure how to beef this guy up. I'm thinking about maxing out Physical Resist, Cold Resist & increasing Hit Points.

I've got 120 Animal Taming, 120 Animal Lore, and 120 Veterinary.

Also, how do i give my pet power scrolls?
On the first round you want to max out the tanking so that it's easier to finish training. Resist points are limited, so for a general purpose pet, I believe the order of priority is Phys>Fire>Energy>Cold>Poison.
So I would start by getting it's Phys and Fire to 80 and then HP to at least 500-600. Resists and HP can easily wipe out your first 1500. So you can concentrate on the DPS on the next 100%.

Oh and with PSs, nobody really knows yet what will be the best combinations of abilities and pets will be. Be ready for the sad reality that the first few generations of pets will have to be trashed. So, given the jump in demand and prices for PSs, I would not waste them on any pet you are training now. Wait until the dust settles.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just hit the first 100% on my Hiryu. I'm not sure how to beef this guy up. I'm thinking about maxing out Physical Resist, Cold Resist & increasing Hit Points.

I've got 120 Animal Taming, 120 Animal Lore, and 120 Veterinary.

Also, how do i give my pet power scrolls?

Why cold resist. Cold and poison are the least needed. Unless you have a specific mob you want to fight.

HP doesn't really need to be above 900. You could probably do 800 now and fight stuff for the next level and find out. You need room to increase mana and Stamina. So choose the lowest HP you can.

You can do strength and some HP regen if you want. Also max the dex and stamina now. Also you'll have room for a special attack.

You will need to save room for mana on the next round if needed.

I have 4 pets ready to choose the second round of skill choosing. I'm not sure what to pick.
Last edited:


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
a 3-5 pet will get 2 taming imbues. 1500 points each time.

On the first round increase resistances, hit points, mana and you could choose skills at this time. Hit points only need to be 800. hp cost heavily.

Round 2 .You can increase mana , intel, str and give skills for your specific end result pet.

If you aren't leveling a 3-5 pet to 100% in an hour pm me.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
a 3-5 pet will get 2 taming imbues. 1500 points each time.

On the first round increase resistances, hit points, mana and you could choose skills at this time. Hit points only need to be 800. hp cost heavily.

Round 2 .You can increase mana , intel, str and give skills for your specific end result pet.

If you aren't leveling a 3-5 pet to 100% in an hour pm me.
You get one more with one slotters.


Stratics Veteran
I start out with resists, stamina and hp/stam regen. Leftover points after base damage then go into either new skill caps or HP.
Tanked Eternal Gazers with 350 HP on a Rune Beetle without issues and I think at 5 slots, he's now around 500.


Could someone please clarify for me how you get a second training session to 100%? I thought that once you got the pet trained to 100% you pick the advances you want and then its done. But am I missing something? Can it train him again and get more training points to put on him? And if so, how do I do that?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Could someone please clarify for me how you get a second training session to 100%? I thought that once you got the pet trained to 100% you pick the advances you want and then its done. But am I missing something? Can it train him again and get more training points to put on him? And if so, how do I do that?
If the pet starts at four slots, thats all you get.

Giant and Fire beetles start at one slot. You get to train them 4 times.

Just lore and push the blue button again after you use all the points.


If the pet starts at four slots, thats all you get.

Giant and Fire beetles start at one slot. You get to train them 4 times.

Just lore and push the blue button again after you use all the points.
Question Pawain.
I have an old Giant Beetle that was 3 slot. I released and re-tamed it, dropping down to 1 slot. I was going to level it, but I noticed it still had 500 mana and 500 int(seems high to me) Any clue if they jump due to their high stats on reset?
Just curious as this happened to two Cu's that were old and reset to 3 and jumped straight to 5.
Thanks in advance!


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They all start with those stats. I think they are the only pet that starts with an exact stat value. You cant get it to 700STR. But they are great pets.

Yesterday a returner had a Black Cu that was 5 slots. It went to 4 when we released and re tamed. :(

The others went to 3 slots.