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Returning player, need advice going forward


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So, I returned to Europa a couple of weeks ago. Have been reading up on lots of stuff, but still lots left to read! Going forward, I'd like to get some advice on my template, suit and where to farm

1. Template. I heard SW was good for tamers, so I'm switching peace for that. Thinking 5x115 +1x120 with lore, taming, vet, magery, meditation, spellweaving. I'm not very scrolled (but a friend gave me a 120 SW scroll!), so I'm putting leftovers in resist and like to boost it with jewellery. Sounds like a good enough template? Any playstyle advice with this template? (what to cast, when etc)

2. Farming. Any solo spots to recommend? Facet doesn't matter. I need to gear my toons, so prefer items over gold. As I upgrade my suit and feel confident in using SW, I'll go on to try to solo bigger stuff like champ spawns or peerless, but I need to start out somewhere below that.

3. Suit. My suit is ok I guess, but nothing spectacular, What do I want to look for stats wise as a tamer, except for the basics (resists, mr, lmc, lrc)?

I'd be super thankful for any input! Thanks in advance!

Caitlyn Snow

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Spellweaving to 120 is a major grind. Although so are any of the skills worth having.
I have 2 spellweaving tamers a discord tamer and a tmap tamer.
120 all for sw: taming lore vet Magery meditation spellweaving.
Discord tamer: 120 taming lore vet music discord 100 mage 20 meditation (+10 On staff)
Tmap tamer:
120 taming lore 100 mining cartography lock picking Magery
80 hiding.
All depends on what you plan to hunt.
Discord tamers are best if you plan to fly solo a lot. They really shorten the length of the fight.
Spellweaving tamers do well in groups. Allow for massive amounts of damage to make sure you get loot rights.
Tmap tamers do well in finding stuff that helps to build you up. Depending on what level map you can get Arties, scrolls, regs, gold, etc. the higher level chests have some halfway decent armor pieces as well.

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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Spellweaving to 120 is a major grind. Although so are any of the skills worth having.
I have 2 spellweaving tamers a discord tamer and a tmap tamer.
120 all for sw: taming lore vet Magery meditation spellweaving.
Discord tamer: 120 taming lore vet music discord 100 mage 20 meditation (+10 On staff)
Tmap tamer:
120 taming lore 100 mining cartography lock picking Magery
80 hiding.
All depends on what you plan to hunt.
Discord tamers are best if you plan to fly solo a lot. They really shorten the length of the fight.
Spellweaving tamers do well in groups. Allow for massive amounts of damage to make sure you get loot rights.
Tmap tamers do well in finding stuff that helps to build you up. Depending on what level map you can get Arties, scrolls, regs, gold, etc. the higher level chests have some halfway decent armor pieces as well.

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Not sure if I even have lockpicking and carto left on any of my chars. Is it easy to come across high lvl t-maps from regular farming?

Btw, any input on hunting locations that are not t-maps or champs/bosses?

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Ford Taunus

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Try Blackthorn castle at Britannia. Forexample Balrons there gives nice loot and also "Minax turnins". Maybe fellucca for better loot?

Ford Taunus

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ps. And welcome back to Europa... hope we see there. There is lot returning players nowadays, so maybe u see some old friends also :)


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
So, I returned to Europa a couple of weeks ago. Have been reading up on lots of stuff, but still lots left to read! Going forward, I'd like to get some advice on my template, suit and where to farm

1. Template. I heard SW was good for tamers, so I'm switching peace for that. Thinking 5x115 +1x120 with lore, taming, vet, magery, meditation, spellweaving. I'm not very scrolled (but a friend gave me a 120 SW scroll!), so I'm putting leftovers in resist and like to boost it with jewellery. Sounds like a good enough template? Any playstyle advice with this template? (what to cast, when etc)

2. Farming. Any solo spots to recommend? Facet doesn't matter. I need to gear my toons, so prefer items over gold. As I upgrade my suit and feel confident in using SW, I'll go on to try to solo bigger stuff like champ spawns or peerless, but I need to start out somewhere below that.

3. Suit. My suit is ok I guess, but nothing spectacular, What do I want to look for stats wise as a tamer, except for the basics (resists, mr, lmc, lrc)?

I'd be super thankful for any input! Thanks in advance!
1. My template: 110 Tame, 110 Lore, 100 vet, 100 SW, 100 magery, 100 ei, 100 med. I use rings and things to boost to 120.
2. Shame 1st level will get you gold and gear to get you to the next level.
3. As far as a suit that is up to you, I make sure there is fc and fcr as well as your basics.
I son't solo peerless or the roof mostly because I would rather group for the social aspects and having laughs.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Try Blackthorn castle at Britannia. Forexample Balrons there gives nice loot and also "Minax turnins". Maybe fellucca for better loot?
Thanks, I'll be sure to check that out! The Minax rewards look great, so I guess it takes a while to gather points?

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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1. My template: 110 Tame, 110 Lore, 100 vet, 100 SW, 100 magery, 100 ei, 100 med. I use rings and things to boost to 120.
2. Shame 1st level will get you gold and gear to get you to the next level.
3. As far as a suit that is up to you, I make sure there is fc and fcr as well as your basics.
I son't solo peerless or the roof mostly because I would rather group for the social aspects and having laughs.

Has Shame 1st level changed? I remember it as 300 gold, a couple of gems per Earth Ele, which was almost the only thing there to find.

Oh yes, forgot about fc/fcr, going for 2/6!

SW does not have any skill equivalent to magerys eval int, am I right?

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Ford Taunus

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"Skickat från min iPhone med Tapatalk" Oh Sverige.. Hellos from Finland here :)


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran

Has Shame 1st level changed? I remember it as 300 gold, a couple of gems per Earth Ele, which was almost the only thing there to find.

Oh yes, forgot about fc/fcr, going for 2/6!

SW does not have any skill equivalent to magerys eval int, am I right?

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Shame first level has not changed but its a good place to start, eventually you end up in Shame 4 where you can get a decent drop once in a while.

SW is dependent upon getting an arcane focus. The best would be power 6 and time limit of 9 hours.

Caitlyn Snow

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Another good place for some pretty decent tmaps is the room with the ancient guardians in doom. Every one of them drops a tmap and I’ve gotten some decent hauls from those chests

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Not sure how long you've been gone...

The Britain Library quest/turn-in system has a talisman that has +5 taming and +5 Lore, which would work good with a "lots of 115s" template, once you get 120 scrolls for the skills.

If you aren't luck-obsessed and playing an elf, you can go with Spell-woven Britches (tailor craftable) and get +10 Meditation, allowing you to use some of your med points to raise another skill to 120 (vet, for example).

With these two items, and eventual 120 scrolls for taming, lore and vet, you can max out your free stable slots (you can now buy tokens for more), without taking up any of your jewelry properties.