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Old Player Returning


Hey guys, been a long time since I played... probably well over 5 years and a lot has changed I can see. Are there any active guilds out there accepting old veterans that could help me get acclimated to the changes or just to have some friendly hunts with?

Look forward to seeing you all back in game.
Hey guys, been a long time since I played... probably well over 5 years and a lot has changed I can see. Are there any active guilds out there accepting old veterans that could help me get acclimated to the changes or just to have some friendly hunts with?

Look forward to seeing you all back in game.
Welcome back ! There are several. Try LLTS, UWF or HOT. They have all been around for ages. Check at New Haven bank.


Legendary Merchant & Rare Collector
Stratics Veteran
Hey guys, been a long time since I played... probably well over 5 years and a lot has changed I can see. Are there any active guilds out there accepting old veterans that could help me get acclimated to the changes or just to have some friendly hunts with?

Look forward to seeing you all back in game.
Welcome back friend :)



The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Hey guys, been a long time since I played... probably well over 5 years and a lot has changed I can see. Are there any active guilds out there accepting old veterans that could help me get acclimated to the changes or just to have some friendly hunts with?

Look forward to seeing you all back in game.
howdy! Good to hear you've made your way back to the wonderful world of Ultima! Sorry on my slightly delayed response here.

So if you're looking for a larger and more active guild, I am in UWF, which is the largest guild on Atlantic. We do an official guild hunt every night, we have players from all over the globe, and just about all times we have something going on. We have a Discord server for voice chat, but no pressure there if you don't want voice channel.

I would love to talk more to you about this. You can send me an ICQ and we can arrange a time to meet.

For more information, you can check our Stratics page here: United We Fight [UWF] and our official site here: United We Fight

Good luck and hope to hear from you soon :)