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Unscrolled pets? How to farm scrolls?


How effective can an unscrolled pet be? Scrolling out a pet is pretty dang expensive. I was wondering if anyone runs non scrolled pets. I have a 4 slot giant beetle I am currently finishing off gming poison on.

Also what is the best and easiest way to start farming scolls? I gotta get me some for these dang pets!

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
A fully trained pet with out scrolls works great for a wide rage of things. I have been killing narvey with a un-scrolled fire beetle and its fairly fast too, compared to my thrower is only about two minutes longer. Para balrons and greater dragons are tough without consume. It can be done without consume and no scrolls, it helps to have the pet fully trained with wrestle and parry though.

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A wrestling scroll is the single best scroll you can buy for your pet.
If you are going to scroll a pet it is nice to have but I favor resist magic over the wrestle, besides the op wanted to know if un-scrolled pets are viable(they are).


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You should be able to buy a few 105s and 110s. I've given many away to returning players. Leave some room for scrolls and make friends.

An unscrolled pet is fine to go with others in a group.

I found a Lesser Hiryu with 108.5 Wrestling. I'm leaving that as is for a secondary tamer I made.

Cold Drakes have over 100 skills.


Crazed Zealot
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On most shards you should be usually able to solo a few of the T2A champ spawns without being bothered. It is doable to do them with a tamer. It will just be slow.
That is 6 scrolls right there, 12 if you also run a second account with a protector.


GD are still pretty good, specially with the high skill caps, just not convenient to get around. If you're on a budget


Crazed Zealot
T2A champ spawns can drop power scrolls? T2A is Ilshenar? or Delucia area? Sry for my ignorance..Ty in advance for info..


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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The island one tends to be a rather quiet one. Good one to start with.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Also Feluca lost lands spawns drop only 105 pwoer scrolls? tyvm in advance for info.
Its Fel. They drop all sizes.

Terra Sanctum is the Island.

Most have a random spawn. You could start one that is more difficult. Some players only want to do Rats.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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As Pawain said, they are random. The spawn can be either rats, undead, reptiles, daemon or arachnid.
Take a second account to park somewhere safe even if it doesn't have enough justice to be a protector just to use as a res station and resupply station.
Arachnid and undead spawns have monsters that are too prone to loot your body dry at the third stage of the spawn.