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Best tank/dungeon runner tame these days?


So I am a bit overwhelmed with all the options, what kind of critter should I be going after to take on paragon/dungeon stuff? A GD? A Cu? A combo of other stuff?

Thoughts? I want to figure out what to go for so I can start mass taming them for one with good stats :)

Also, if I switch to elf, do all my stats carry over/and my applied power scrolls/skill cap increases?

I don't mind walking through dungeons either if GD is still a solid choice. Thanks!


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
Any five slot works fine. You can use a 5 slot giant beetle to kill Greater Dragons. You have a place to put hides and gold.

That's the great thing about the pet revamp.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
If you're talking about doing the elf quest or using a race change token, then you're fine. All of your stats and skills will carry over. If you make a new toon, well then the answer is no, you'll need to get all of the scrolls again.

As for the pet, I agree with Pawain, any 5 slot pet should fit your needs. While I don't have a 5 slot giant beetle, I can see how good one would be for a good old dungeon crawl.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Any five slot works fine. You can use a 5 slot giant beetle to kill Greater Dragons. You have a place to put hides and gold.

That's the great thing about the pet revamp.
There is my next project lol

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Yepp.. agree with everyone else. Only thing I would add is if I was going to hit a high magic dungeon area I would use the Naja. Their 140+ resist and poison immunity makes things a lot easier.


UO Forum Moderator
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Dimetrosaurs are good for the first 3 levels of most champ spawns, but you are better off leaving and switching out for something tougher for the last stage and boss.


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
To add to what was said above, I would not bother with GD if you have time to train a pet. GD has good stats, but you cannot customize it to your needs and it makes it inferior to customizable pets.


I don’t mind training up a pet, just trying to determine the best one to start the process on. I might have to switch to elf to get into the Cu game lol.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don’t mind training up a pet, just trying to determine the best one to start the process on. I might have to switch to elf to get into the Cu game lol.
My tamer has always been human. I have 2 blacks, 2 whites, 2 ice, 1 red and many other colors. Find someone looking for a specific color and help them kill off the plain ones and they will give you the other colors.


Stratics Veteran
I was surprised with my pre-patch White Wyrm tonight in the Halloween dungeon. It only died once during the whole Jack sequence with only a handful of people there. Now it doesn't heal like a Cu Sidhe, obviously...so I had to be near by at times when the spawn got heavy. I enjoy it's 759 Strength...and when I could remember to bless it, the strength went up to 800-something.