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Crazed Zealot
I have been seing this mentioned on-off in different posts about different issues.

What exactly is multi boxing? Is it an exploit or illegal activity?

What are the things that multiboxers do/benefit from??

Just curious..



Site Support
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It's where someone uses a program to pass keystrokes/mouse inputs to multiple client instance simultaneously. This lets someone gain an advantage by increasing the odds they'll have multiple accounts in the top attacker list for event boss drops, or allows them to easily farm tough monsters that drop desirable loot more effeciently than someone either using one account or multi-clienting. Multi-clienting is when you are running and controlling multiple accounts independently and is legal to do.

MisPrinTed LiEs

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i think multiboxing is when a person uses multiple accounts and all the accounts are using the same keystrokes to control them in tandem.... that is frowned upon from what i have read in different places,,,,,,,but a person can use multiple accounts if they are being controlled seperately and arent involved in unattended macro'ing,,,that seems to be legal

Lord Arm

Stratics Veteran
the problem is many use illegal programs while using one or more than one account, the devs don't seem to be able to tell. its not just the one key strokes, its also auto heals, cure and many others. its what is destroying the game.


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Multiboxing is controlling multiple characters with the same set of keystrokes/mouse movements. People have been complaining about it for a long time now. It is going to be a bannable offense once Endless Journey comes out. Until then, it will not be enforced.

Endless Journey accounts caught multiboxing will be banned without a warning. Paid accounts might be banned depending on the accounts' histories.

See the 10/17/17 Catskills Dev Meet and Greet (near the bottom).


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
the problem is many use illegal programs while using one or more than one account, the devs don't seem to be able to tell. its not just the one key strokes, its also auto heals, cure and many others. its what is destroying the game.
If you can't easily tell they are all doing the same thing at the same time it's not multi-boxing. And it's not an illegal program using it. The program or server they use doesn't interact with UO at all. It's just a keystroke just like any other keyboard. The only difference is that one keystroke is sent to multiple PCs through a server or multiple clients through a legal PC application. The program is not illegal. The action of doing it is.

If Broadsword/EA didn't have such an atrocious record of not policing the game I would show everyone exactly how to do it, but then everyone would. You can watch WoW videos of multi-boxing in BGs on Youtube. It's devastating and legal in WoW.

Stamina may be more of an issue in UO for PVP.


Crazed Zealot
TYVM for info. ( To summarize all info including the meet and greet : It will shortly be a bannable activity)

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Multiboxing is controlling multiple characters with the same set of keystrokes/mouse movements. People have been complaining about it for a long time now. It is going to be a bannable offense once Endless Journey comes out. Until then, it will not be enforced.

Endless Journey accounts caught multiboxing will be banned without a warning. Paid accounts might be banned depending on the accounts' histories.

See the 10/17/17 Catskills Dev Meet and Greet (near the bottom).
There are multiboxers around today (that still post here) that were banned back in 2006 for duping. How does that make you feel?


The Enchanter
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There are multiboxers around today (that still post here) that were banned back in 2006 for duping. How does that make you feel?
This is a fair warning not to make this personal in any way, shape or form, or to name names. Stratics is not the place to air personal grievances.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
This is a fair warning not to make this personal in any way, shape or form, or to name names. Stratics is not the place to air personal grievances.
The next time you have an issue with my posts please feel free to message me in private...if it doesn't break the ROC, there is nothing wrong with posting it here. BTW, nothing personal here, I made a general statement. But it would be against the ROC for you to bring up anything we discussed in private...*tips hat*.
Last edited:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is a fair warning not to make this personal in any way, shape or form, or to name names. Stratics is not the place to air personal grievances.
I almost disagree with everything Cowboy ever says, but he didn't break any rules. Maybe you should just delete your post and police when someone breaks the rules =]


The Enchanter
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The next time you have an issue with my posts please feel free to message me in private...if it doesn't break the ROC, there is nothing wrong with posting it here.
It's well within my bounds to issue an in-thread public warning or to steer the direction of a conversation... especially on a topic that often ends in the realm of public accusations or veiled comments like the one you made. It's not necessary for me to send a personal message in order to do this.

I almost disagree with everything Cowboy ever says, but he didn't break any rules. Maybe you should just delete your post and police when someone breaks the rules =]
See above.

Tangled Metal

Lore Master
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Just to clarify, the Devs said it is still okay to have multiclients running on the same computer as long a you manipulate them individually. Ie: If you wanted to trade items or houses between accounts you can have 2 instances of UO running on your computer and switch back and forth between them to make trade.

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
TYVM for info. ( To summarize all info including the meet and greet : It will shortly be a bannable activity)
There are lots of things in UO that are bannable. That doesn’t necessarily mean they will actually enforce it based on tack record.

Lady Storm

Grand Inquisitor
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ok let me put this in a more street friendly wording that even a child can understand.

A player who owns more then 1 account.. like say 5.
They have 5 warriors who are set to hunt.
This player uses a program not for use in UO, and links his keystrokes per all his accounts to use with his warriors.
They now they step together, swing their weapons the same time, and do pretty much the all the same time... a monsters worse nightmare!
This is Multi boxing.
This is illegal.

Why this is illegal?
Easy answer is, by using this method you take unfair advantage over the others who do not use this for one, and for two..
Think of it as you work hard on your warrior to do damage at an EM event... this person will have 5 x the chance for the items then you with your 1.

Multi client is:
When your tamer has gotten your other accounts characters a pony or pet you want them to have.
You log them in on one account and log in your other account with the tamer.
You can log in one of each account for the tamer to give a pet.
This is legal.

Why is the second legal?
Simple multi client is you switching between screens to work each.