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Conductive Blast

Has anyone figured out the mana cost of Conductive Blast?

Furthermore, would it be worth it to have it on a Cu with AI, considering that it has a duration of 4 seconds and that it would most likely lead to less AI uses?


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
My Cu uses it with Discord... rather enjoy the Cu... infact it's my favorite.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The one I have with CB and AI works great. The change to 4 sec was not nice.

Also, if you have two tamers with Cus that can fight on the the same target, the CB on one can help both.
Thanks for the replies.

I am a bit more interested in the maths though, as in does the mana spent for CB provide a sufficient dps increase in between those hard hitting AI attacks VS an additional AI attack instead. To make it a bit more specific, lets say that the target enemy has high energy resist, around 70, would AI+CB be more efficient than just AI?

@Pawain you make a great point with the two tamer example but for this instance lets assume it is just one tamer/Cu.