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on pause for a year....need help with new taming stuff


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ok/.....so I recently came back and I see some new taming stuff....trying to get caught up

I started the quest so I can start training my CU

when I lored it, I noticed that it has 63 pts in Detect Hidden. Not usable, but can I get it removed?

thanks for help!


Stratics Veteran
Good morning Soze, and welcome back to UO, The new pets system is a lot of fun and you are a treat... Myself and many other great testers are here to help ya along with it and to help ya avoid the mistakes we made along the route of getting to know the system.. feel free to post here or message us anytime time.. =^-^= With that being said, shall we jump on in? =D First and for most, the way the new system works is every control slot your pet has at birth from 5 is 1500 points you can invest in making the pet better... like Cu normally starts as a 3 slot pet...which means when you first fill its progress bar to 100% a train pet option gump will appear ... allowing 1500 points to increase its stats, raise its resistances, teach it special moves, area of effect spells, schools of magic( such as spell weaving, bush, discord, mystic, etc), increase its regens, adding power scrolls,and more. Each of these things has a point value attached to it.. like increase hit points and str(these 2 are not linked just cost the same value) cost 3 points per 1.. so 100 HP = 300 points, while increase mana is 2 mana per 1 points( so 100 points = 200 mana). Just a quick warning while we are on mana.. this is a thing that ruined a lot of pets, Int and mana pool are no longer linked... so if you want to increase your pets mana pool don't invest points into the stat INT, instead invest them in mana under stats in the new gump.... but anyway, once you invest all 1500 points in a pet it will move up a slot ( in the case of a cu 3 to 4 slot) Then you start the progress bar again.. and once it reaches 100% you will get 1500 more points to invest in... =^-^=
I know you said you are just returning,and you are working on a cu... It is with this in mind I must ask.. is your cu pre pub 97? If it is and it currently is taking up 4 control slots this is a bug and can be fixed.(if its already 3 slot then you are golden) .. You see last pub they added a fix to counter a bug that made pets skip training lvls and lose points.. one of the side effects was that it made it so pre pub 97 cu's would stay 4 slot on returning players... Luckly there is a quick fix for it.. Its called a forced reset.. you basicly release your cu then retam it( make sure your tamer is a elf before you do this or you will not be able to retam it.. in this case just have a friend that is an elf tamer retam it for you and trade it back) This will reset its slot number to the norm for cus being 3 slot.. and insure you get 3k points to invest in your prized pre pub cu in stead of 1500... I know this is a lot to take in.. so I will just leave you with all of this to sink in.. and let you know that all of us here on this forum are here to help ya master this system in anyway we can.. once again welcome back to UO , and our doors are always open... =^-^=
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Thanks for the info....i was thinking it was going to be a Pre-Pub issue. All of my Pets are going to be that. I will come back to the boards here for more Qand A....but your response made this less complicated
I have a question regarding Slots. I recently started a new account on Atlantic, so I cant be Pre 97 as my character was made in September. It seems though that a Bake Kitsune is showing 3 slots for me as a fresh tame. As well as my Nightmare. I cant figure out why as I have yet to start pet training on Any of my pets.

Secondly if this increases their pet slot count, you cant run Nightmare Rune beetle / WW anymore as it would cost to many slots? I would figure at that point the only pet worth having would be a CU or GDrag... am i missing something?


Stratics Veteran
Good evening Soze, one thing that works heavly in your favor with pre pub pets is if you have a pre pub mare .. they are much much stronger then the 2 slot ones that spawn now( they have 200-300 more rawr str then 2 slots that spawn now awarding them 600-900 extra points to play with) and make for very nice 5 slot pets... and if you have an old normal dragon , as its the only way to get a 3 slot one now... Just wanted to let ya know there are great treasures in pre pub 97 pets.just becareful with them as they are now like dread steeds and bane dragons as they no longer spawn . =^-^=


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Good morning Soze, and welcome back to UO, The new pets system is a lot of fun and you are a treat... Myself and many other great testers are here to help ya along with it and to help ya avoid the mistakes we made along the route of getting to know the system.. feel free to post here or message us anytime time.. =^-^= With that being said, shall we jump on in? =D First and for most, the way the new system works is every control slot your pet has at birth from 5 is 1500 points you can invest in making the pet better... like Cu normally starts as a 3 slot pet...which means when you first fill its progress bar to 100% a train pet option gump will appear ... allowing 1500 points to increase its stats, raise its resistances, teach it special moves, area of effect spells, schools of magic( such as spell weaving, bush, discord, mystic, etc), increase its regens, adding power scrolls,and more. Each of these things has a point value attached to it.. like increase hit points and str(these 2 are not linked just cost the same value) cost 3 points per 1.. so 100 HP = 300 points, while increase mana is 2 mana per 1 points( so 100 points = 200 mana). Just a quick warning while we are on mana.. this is a thing that ruined a lot of pets, Int and mana pool are no longer linked... so if you want to increase your pets mana pool don't invest points into the stat INT, instead invest them in mana under stats in the new gump.... but anyway, once you invest all 1500 points in a pet it will move up a slot ( in the case of a cu 3 to 4 slot) Then you start the progress bar again.. and once it reaches 100% you will get 1500 more points to invest in... =^-^=
I know you said you are just returning,and you are working on a cu... It is with this in mind I must ask.. is your cu pre pub 97? If it is and it currently is taking up 4 control slots this is a bug and can be fixed.(if its already 3 slot then you are golden) .. You see last pub they added a fix to counter a bug that made pets skip training lvls and lose points.. one of the side effects was that it made it so pre pub 97 cu's would stay 4 slot on returning players... Luckly there is a quick fix for it.. Its called a forced reset.. you basicly release your cu then retam it( make sure your tamer is a elf before you do this or you will not be able to retam it.. in this case just have a friend that is an elf tamer retam it for you and trade it back) This will reset its slot number to the norm for cus being 3 slot.. and insure you get 3k points to invest in your prized pre pub cu in stead of 1500... I know this is a lot to take in.. so I will just leave you with all of this to sink in.. and let you know that all of us here on this forum are here to help ya master this system in anyway we can.. once again welcome back to UO , and our doors are always open... =^-^=
On the cu reset, does this work only if you have not begun the pet training? Unfortunately, I read this AFTER I started with my pet and was under the impression that I was only going to get the one round of training.


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@Donavon, thank you. This makes the idea of returning much less intimidating.


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Good evening Soze, one thing that works heavly in your favor with pre pub pets is if you have a pre pub mare .. they are much much stronger then the 2 slot ones that spawn now( they have 200-300 more rawr str then 2 slots that spawn now awarding them 600-900 extra points to play with) and make for very nice 5 slot pets... and if you have an old normal dragon , as its the only way to get a 3 slot one now... Just wanted to let ya know there are great treasures in pre pub 97 pets.just becareful with them as they are now like dread steeds and bane dragons as they no longer spawn . =^-^=
Good to know. I have a mare, dread mare, bane dragon, etc.

What do you think about a pre pub hyru, WW and Rune Beetle?


Stratics Veteran
Good evening, Anne, You are in luck.. in most of the test we did with pre pub 97 cu's even if you started the bar as long as you did not invest the points it should still drop to 3 slot... of course there were some test that they did not.. but your odds are good.. I would give it a go and see what happens =^-^=
HI there Soze, The dread , bane , and mare are all living rare now so spec them careily if you choose to use the new taming system on them.. The hiryu you will have to do the force reset to 3 slot trick as it will be 4 slot, but lesser hiryu often out shine the greaters in the new system. The white wrym will be a 3 slot and have higher stats the the current ones... they 5 slot pretty well.. but we are still doing test on them.. My friend Khaelor and I have had some issues with points that were not spent on the last round of them poofing... but we are still looking into this..
The rune beetles are a very over looked pet but if speced and balanced right they are one of the most powerful caster pets in the game... I've done a few test builds and helped a few friends spec theirs out... the power of RC , magery, and pure poison more then makes up for their lack of armor ignore... If you like I could hop on test and help you with some builds... I hope this helps mate.. ya have a grand evening.. =^-^=
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ok...i got the 1500pts/slot thing. What i keep reading about is people who have messed up because the order wasn't correct, ect etc.

So when i start training the first 1500, should i focus on STR/HP, MANA, etc....or work a skill first? or does that matter (can do both stats and skills at same time)

Also, is there an order for skills.....and will having a certain skill remove another (i know ive read were CHIV will remove poisoning on a RUNE)

Thanks in advance!


Stratics Veteran
Good evening Soze, if you are talking about the rune beetle there are many great buildes for them.. the balance temp increase str to 609 and looks for one with 120 or better magery and eval.... ( you can always use power scrolls to get it to this points) This allows the mage pets bless to increase the str to the full 700 str and free up almost 300 extra points... you will want to increase its HP regen and mana regen to20/ 30... if you keep it as is its melee procs will also poison on top of RC, and nox mage specials.. so round one I would increase str and regens... The beetles special move tab comes pre loaded so ya cant really add much without removing much more... be careful not to over invest... its super easy to over invest in mana pool trying to figure out the system.. the tip I give most is find the number you wish to increase and watch that number as ya use the arrow at the bottom to change it... like if a pet has 300 mana and ya wish to make that 500 , you will find 300 and turn that number to 500 then hit train.. that way you don't end up making it 700-900 by mistake... Hp and str are another easy easy way to over invest .. because they are the most expensive.. You think I will just increase its HP by 300.. well that 900 points or 3/5's of your taming points gone that fast.. so balance is the key ... with rune beetle their stam and dex are normally at the or over the 150 mark.. if yours is not make sure to correct this in round one.. 150 dex and stam will increase ground speed by 20% and give it an extra melee swing every 1.5 sec ..it also makes for much faster training in the next round.. If you wish I will come to your home shard and give ya a hand mate.. or we can message here.. hope this helps.. =^-^=


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the special/magical abilities are the ones you really have to watch for order. Note that changing the type of magic/poisoning on a pet that already has magic/poisoning can (and usually will) change the options for special abilities (As well as eliminate or render frozen certain skills), and taking some mid-level abilities eliminate the chance of taking a 2nd ability. Look for the threads on this to get a better explanation. If a pet already has abilities, choices can sometimes screw up/negate existing ones.

For Resists, note there is a cap of 80 for raising an individual resist to, and that there is a cap of something like 360 for all 5 resists combined. And, overcapped resists count toward that amount. So pick which resists to raise by the order you want them highest, as you may not have any points left to put into the last one, or possibly even the 4th one.

For stats: Raise dex to 150, then raise STR to your desired amount. All INT does for a pet is possibly affecting the focus/med formula, so there's little pressing need for more INT for med (do consider using focus and Med powerscrolls, though). There is an overall cap, but it's not that big an issue as long as you do the dex and str first.
For derived stats: HP, Stamina and Mana are no longer tied to their corresponding stat. Raise stamina to 150. HP and Mana should be done based on your pet's abilities (as even things that don't use mana when players use them, require mana for pets). The cap for these is much more likely to come into play.

Regenerations: not much need for Stamina regeneration - Many (if not most) take HP and/or mana Regen to their caps (which, the caps can increase as the pet slots improve - so always check back on the next training level).

Skills: Skill order means nothing. Using a power scroll will either cost 1 or 10 per point over 100, depending on the skill. MOST pets won't let you use a Parrying PS until Parry "uncloaks", which requires the pet reaching GM or better wrestling - but there are exceptions (some of my pets let me use Parry PS before the Parry value displayed, others did not). IF you plan to add a Parry PS, make sure to either save the points needed, or not do last slot training, until after Wrestling hits 100.
Note that unlike CC, the EC can display your pets' natural skill caps (not sure if that's native or from Pinco's UI), so you can decide whether or not to PS something (for example, as I had a pet that had a natural wrestling cap of 116.9, I chose to not waste a 120 Wrestling PS and its point cost)
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awesome info....thanks for the guidance ill be sure to follow up as I start this process


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so I am doing the first level on my prepub nightmare (2 slot) where is the best training for the first level to 100? and....should I discord?


Stratics Veteran
so I am doing the first level on my prepub nightmare (2 slot) where is the best training for the first level to 100? and....should I discord?
If this is the first pet training you are doing, I would highly advise not use your prepub 2 slot nightmare. You might not be aware of what works for you yet and what you ultimately want. If you ask around here, I'm sure most people trained many things before they decided what was good or what just fit them and you don't get a "do over" on that nightmare.

Before I trained my legacy nightmares I trained the newer nightmares with what i wanted (minus 750 points-usually the scrolls) to see if that spec worked or performed the way i expected it to be)