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Moonglow Appreciation Trounament - First Place 100 Million Gold

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*tacked to every place of importance throughout the realm*

moonglow tournament.png

*from the crowd a man begins to speak*
My friends, my comrades... my brothers and sisters in arms...
I stand before you today with sincere, deep heartfelt thanks. None of you were under any obligation to defend our great city of Moonglow. Yet every time the call rang out you were there to defend against the Titan assault on our once thriving city. You showed up with weapons in hand.. you showed up with spellbooks in hand.. and you showed up with pets by your side.. each one of you ready to battle to the death if that was the price that had to be paid. For that, each of you will always have my gratitude... my thanks... and my admiration.

As I fought alongside each and every one of you I could not help but wonder which pet.. and which tamer was the absolute best at their craft. So many different pets, so many different skills. I could never decide which one I thought would reign supreme. Which is why we have decided to have a celebration tournament to see who's hand is raised in victory, and who's bank account would be just a little bit larger.

I will not take much more of your time as I know we all have other things to get to. But, I would not be able to continue to hold my head high as I walked the streets, paths and the wilderness of our Land if I allowed the current vacant administration in Moonglow to continue. Moonglow was once a thriving city, a city that was at the forefront of commerce and activity... a city that led the way for all to follow. I can not sit idly by and be a spectator as Moonglow continues along it's trek to obscurity. That is why this celebration tournament will also in some small way serve as an event to kick off the "Kylie Kinslayer for Moonglow Governor" campaign. We are heading rapidly to the time where each of you will determine who leads all of our cities. The time when each and every one of you will once again defend our cities, our lands and our way of life in Britannia. Not from an external assault, but from an assault from the inside. An assault of mediocrity.. an assault of abandonment.. It is my hopes that each and every one of you heed the call that will ring out... my hope that you all will show up once again only this time with quills in hand and make the right choices to further advance the activity that each and every city bring to you. Thank you for your time, together we can put Moonglow back as a shining example of what a city should be.

Tournament will be held in 1v1 5 minutes bouts at the New Haven Arena - with the following set up


**** times may be adjusted upward depending on number of people registered

Must be registered by October 12th at 8 pm
- register in this thread, through pm, send message to 65056088 on icq, in game allowed
- Both player name and type of pet (ie Cu, GD, etc) must be included
- keep "specials", skills etc private
- I will update thread to include anyone who does not register in thread

Tournament brackets will be filled in on October 13th by actually drawing registered names from a hat.


Both Combatants are required go to the Southern most area in the center of the arena too allow viewing by those in attendance.

Please do not register more than one tamer per real life person. If it is found out you registered more than one you will be contacted to pick just one entry. If you refuse you will be dropped from the tourney.

This is a "Pet Battle" not a PvP battle. As a result if any competitor attacks the other handler they will be immediately disqualified from the tournament

Both Pets and Handlers may freely attack the Pet they are battling

All in game mechanics are allowed during the battle with the exception of "masteries" and field spells
- anyone "sparkling" will be DQ'd

"Tap Outs" will be allowed - collect your pet and run to the opposite end of the arena if you yield

Side betting between combatants and attendees is allowed. Before each battle there will be a 2-3 minute period to "get your bets in"

In the event no clear winner is evident at the end of the timer the winner will be determined by the host based on overall performance. Host will remain 100% impartial as he will not be side betting on any battle.

RULES MAY BE AMENDED if situations arise that I have not thought of



Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Registered List:

MaNerva - CuSidhe
Kain Highwind - Rune Beetle
Grace of Minoc - Sabre Tooth Tiger
Last edited:

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
a very special thank you to @Faeryl for making the announcement scroll. :ten:

If it had not been for her you would all be looking at a rough kindergarten finger paint version...

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*bump* Updated those registered.

Only two days left to register. Registration closes October 12 at 8pm Eastern.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sounds like fun! You can decide on healing your pet or attacking the other pet. Pet fights end very quickly if there is no healing. I know what player template I would use.

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sounds like fun!
Thanks. Wanted to do one that folks would think was fun and make it worthwhile from a gold standpoint as well. Thought the 100m and 50m was enough to make even those who abhor any kind of "pvp" stuff join in.. but may have been mistaken lol

I know what player template I would use.
oh.. ps... still enough time for ya to put your money, errrr.. make that.. my money where your mouth is ;)

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A little over 24 hours left to register so get them in now :)

Also... a heads up for folks following the thread.. next months event will involve Lockpicking and GM made boxes :thumbup:

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
30 minutes until things get rolling. RL situation kept me from being around on the 12th for end of registration so am taking last minute ones if anyone is interested.