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How To Raise Mysticism to 120 on Pet

Paul WKL


Haven't seen a thread on this (or maybe i missed it!) . :)

Could anyone share the best methods to raise Mysticism on a pet? Its nerve rendingly slow.

Tried that swoop on rocks method. V slow.

Thanks guys!


Stratics Veteran
Good Morning Paul, One of my favorite places to train magical schools is on lvl 5 of shame... just west then south of the crazed mage..after ya cross the bridge there is a small island you can teleport too.. Then you just have your pet cast on blood eles from there... if you have a guildy that can discord the pet you can 120 it in less then 12 hours there.. I find most casting school gain faster if its just 1v1 so ideally you want to lead all but one of the blood eles away...This is a great place to train magery,chiv,RS, and a number of skills as well.. Hope this helped mate.. should ya have anymore qestions feel free to message me or post.. =^-^=


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Donavon it would be awesome to have a how to train a-z list from you. You seem to be one of the more experienced and vocal (in posts) tamers on the forum. I know I appreciate your tips whenever I find them.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Haven't seen a thread on this (or maybe i missed it!) . :)

Could anyone share the best methods to raise Mysticism on a pet? Its nerve rendingly slow.

Tried that swoop on rocks method. V slow.

Thanks guys!
One thing I would definitely recommend is to get a primer so you can focus your pet training. I only have Tier 1 myself, but it's like having a free alacrity scroll for your pet once an hour. For example, a .1 pet gain could be a .5 gain.
Taming mastery detail

Then it's really just about somehow having your pet regen its mana :p because if you fight traditionally...you are using pet specials and other things all the time...which all compete with a mana pool that does not regen all that quickly.


Stratics Veteran
Could anyone share the best methods to raise Mysticism on a pet? Its nerve rendingly slow.
Best tip someone can give is to discord it.

Unfortunately a lot of the magic schools are very slow. It's all about time invested and if your pet can be discorded or not.

The more abilities your pet has, the slower it may gain because it's using it's mana for everything.

If you can create distance from your pet to the mob, so it's just casting... better. That can be done a variety of ways (shame 5, eodon, etc)

And as G.v.P. said, make sure you have a taming mastery 2 for whispering

Paul WKL

Thanks everyone! Great tips and really appreciated. Would it be advisable then to focus on Magical training first so all the mana is spent training it? With discord of course. :)