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Pet lost training gump with points remaining


Stratics Veteran
@Kyronix @Bleak

I was training an old legacy Red Dragon. I'm a commitment phobe type so I always leave training points on my animals. I just love that little gump that pops up.

The dragon in question was a 5 slot with 650ish points left (I can look up the exact number), when I logged in today to finish training him, the gump was gone. No skills/stats have been reset, but the blue button is totally missing now. Tried EC and CC. Looks like the exploit code fix is still picking up legitimately trained pets.

I have a copy of this dragon pretraining on test center and know all beginning and end stats.

Additional info: I selected Chiv for magic ability, so he lost access to his magery and I picked AI for the special. He only only scrolled out with 110 scrolls and a 120 chiv. His chiv just hit 104, and I beleive the blue button was around for several days before it just disappeared.

Can this please be looked into before any more irreplaceable tames are lost.
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Stratics Veteran
I had it happen to one of mine too mate =* [ it seems like adding the PS triggered it ... after I added a few 110s to it the next time I logged on the points were gone.. =>-<=


Stratics Veteran
I had it happen to one of mine too mate =* [ it seems like adding the PS triggered it ... after I added a few 110s to it the next time I logged on the points were gone.. =>-<=
This was one of your dragons? Can you let me know how you spec'd him?


Stratics Veteran
Yes it was a old 3 slot dragon I was training.. I left most of his last lvls points on him and added armor ignore... he has max mana reg and hp reg.,resistances fixed.. and dex and stam maxxed.... left him that way for awhile.. then added just some simple 110s .. the next time I logged on his points were gone =* [
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Stratics Veteran
Yes it was a old 3 slot dragon I was training.. I left most of his last lvls points on him and added armor ignore... he has max mana reg and hp reg.,resistances fixed.. and dex and stam maxxed.... left him that way for awhile.. then added just some simple 110s .. the next time I logged on his points were gone =* [
Mine had max mana regen, max hp regen, 5 stam.
102 hp added
stam from 125-150
base damage increased.
110 wrest, tactics, resist, med, focus
115 anat
120 chiv


Stratics Veteran
It seems when it comes to the 3 slot dragons it might be safer just to collect all the power scrolls intended .. and spend all the points going from 4 to 5 in one sitting .. I'm going to buy another 3 slot off a vet player, lvl it to 5 slot ,and add all 120s.. My main concern is that the revert code may target a full maxed 120 3 slot to 5 normal dragon once all 3k points are spent .. I cant copy on to test to see what happens.. so I more then likely will just do this test live and see what happens. Wish me luck mate . =^-^=


Stratics Veteran
@Bleak Please help. (please see first post in this thread, this is a followup)

I used a untrained copy of my ruined dragon on TC1 and trained him up the same way I had intended to train him on Chesapeake.

Switching Magery for Chiv
120 Scrolls
20/6/30 regens
resists to 365 total
A bump to Mana, Stam and Health

I logged off when him and my character in our TC1 house. Upon logging in I get the message my pet has been stabled.

When I pull him out of the stable, he's been reverted to a four slot and lost: 20/6/30 regens, the bump to mana/stam/health, resists

Basically the stats/resists were rerolled to baseline stats. (kept his scrolls and chiv)

Again, this is not an exploit pet, but an old dragon, similar to one I had given you on test center when testing of patch 98 was happening.

Im scared to try to train anymore of my old dragons


I'm still learning the training system and not even close to starting on my legacy dragon's training, but has this issue been addressed/fixed yet? If it's still problematic, are any other legacy pets affected by this revert bug? I've seen it mentioned about dragons in several threads dating up till the end of December. I've been back about a week now and just trying to figure it all out. I definitely won't be doing anything with my ole dragon until it's taken care of....


Stratics Veteran
My best advice is take it to test center, train it the EXACT SAME way you would on live. I mean EXACT. Same moves/actions each time. I gave up testing when I got sick and the results just made no sense. 3 dragons trained to the same stats and the worst one ended up losing training points very early in the process. Bleak may have looked at this I would proceed with caution though.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
I feel for you!
I'd be like ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!
I've one got one draggy and one NM left from pre 97.
Not gonna train them until pub 100..


Update from TC1...

I started working on a build for my dragon last night. I allocated all points in the first round of training and had around 450ish left over in the second round for the power scrolls. By that time it was late and didn't have the necessary scrolls, so I stabled the beast and called it a night.

Fast forward 24+ hours...

I got online tonight after sending another character to TC1 with scrolls. (I'm so forgetful sometimes...)
Anyway, I claimed the dragon to finish the training process and of course, the training gump is gone. Didn't make it through the entire training process. Disappointing! Needless to say, as most have said on the forums, leave your legacy pets in the stables until this stuff gets fixed. Can't imagine the frustration of having this happen on a live shard to one's special pet(s).

Good night and be safe with those pets!


Stratics Veteran
Update from TC1...
Anyway, I claimed the dragon to finish the training process and of course, the training gump is gone. Didn't make it through the entire training process. Disappointing! Needless to say, as most have said on the forums, leave your legacy pets in the stables until this stuff gets fixed. Can't imagine the frustration of having this happen on a live shard to one's special pet(s).

Good night and be safe with those pets!
Can I ask how you trained him and how many points were remaining?


Can I ask how you trained him and how many points were remaining?
I believe I had roughly 450 points left. I only had 110 scrolls at my disposal to test with and was just practicing the process. The way I set him up was AI & Magery Mastery, max MR and HPR, 800 HP/150 ST/500 MAN. If I had it planned out properly, I had enough left over for the scrolls and little wiggle room. It was like my fifth or sixth pet I've worked with on TC1.... really digging the process so far!!