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God damn it...


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sigh... I thought i understood how this all works. I thought as long as you did "magic" last you could pick special moves. Why does picking grasping claw remove the wrestling mastery as an option! I can't even overwrite it... Only poisoning is left. Just wasted a ton of time, ruining my gator. Now I have to tame another, and wait a week to bond it. Do the mastery "special moves" count against the cap? Why is this not ****ing clear??

This is frustrating as hell. >:/


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
What's worse you can't go to TC right now and test the things you want to put on before you do it... and the stupid preview page if you use that will not tell you that you have to do things in any certain order or they won't work either... and it won't tell you either that adding something will remove something else...

Honestly you should get a "reset" button that is usable for the first 2 or 3 min after you apply the changes just for this sort of thing.


Stratics Veteran
"The magical abilities listed below will require all available ability choices, choosing one of these will disallow the choice of a special ability, special move and area effect ability."
Animal Training - UOGuide, the Ultima Online Encyclopedia

What does that mean? Masteries take up multiple pet option and if you take a pet option(ability, move, or AOE), then you can't pick a mastery.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sigh... I thought i understood how this all works. I thought as long as you did "magic" last you could pick special moves. Why does picking grasping claw remove the wrestling mastery as an option! I can't even overwrite it... Only poisoning is left. Just wasted a ton of time, ruining my gator. Now I have to tame another, and wait a week to bond it. Do the mastery "special moves" count against the cap? Why is this not ****ing clear??

This is frustrating as hell. >:/
Agree. When you chose GC that took up all the slots for other abilities besides a true magic. And your pet cant get a real magic skill.

They needed to divide Magic abilities (magery) and Masteries (wrestling). But it would still cause problems.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What does that mean? Masteries take up multiple pet option and if you take a pet option(ability, move, or AOE), then you can't pick a mastery.
Unless I missed it, the in game gump isn't clear on that. :( Too late now either way.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"The magical abilities listed below will require all available ability choices, choosing one of these will disallow the choice of a special ability, special move and area effect ability."
Animal Training - UOGuide, the Ultima Online Encyclopedia

What does that mean? Masteries take up multiple pet option and if you take a pet option(ability, move, or AOE), then you can't pick a mastery.
Yes because masteries have 2 or 3 things in them.

It is best to come here and ask about a specific pet type or go to TC and do a few different builds.

Someone here has built the pet you desire.