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Pack instinct


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Wondering what people think the right way to go with pack instinct is. Should I train up one pack animal to 2/3 slot as a "leader" who will tank? Or just use a group of 1 slot pets and wait for someone else to jump in first?


Stratics Veteran
Group of one slots will almost always out damage any other combination of pack instinct pets


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Someone said the damage increase is 25% per pet. So they use 5. I dont know if that is true but my Wolf Spiders bond tomorrow night and I can try them. Unless someone buys them off my vendor...


Stratics Veteran
Someone said the damage increase is 25% per pet. So they use 5. I dont know if that is true but my Wolf Spiders bond tomorrow night and I can try them. Unless someone buys them off my vendor...
That is a bit incorrect. It's 25% per additional pet

2 pets 25%
3 pets 50
4 pets 75
5 pets 100%

Wolf Spiders have a base damage of 11-18.

With 100 tactics and 250 str they hit generals for about 60-75 per pet. With the general discorded they can hit into the 90s.

Downside is... 100 wrestling they can miss a lot. Still you are looking at 70 - 350 damage a round plus another 20+ from a tick of poison.

You have to make sure all of them remain attacking the the same target. If one switches or stops attacking dps takes a huge hit
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I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OK 25% per additional. Sounds like a good deal to me.

Thanks for the info.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
So for an update I went and tamed 5 of those wolf spiders, sadly one didn't make it thru training (he was a slacker and I refuse to heal slackers). So I made one of the spiders a Leader (2 slot spider) I gave him aura of nausea, and with the lowered offense/defense of mobs I take less and do about the same damage as when I had 5 spiders. Not to mention I have a tanking spider who doesn't die super fast ;)

I know I read somewhere that they nerfed the mana cost of aura of nausea however I don't seem to notice my spider running out of mana, so he is either not using the ability at all or its been in-nerfed?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So for an update I went and tamed 5 of those wolf spiders, sadly one didn't make it thru training (he was a slacker and I refuse to heal slackers). So I made one of the spiders a Leader (2 slot spider) I gave him aura of nausea, and with the lowered offense/defense of mobs I take less and do about the same damage as when I had 5 spiders. Not to mention I have a tanking spider who doesn't die super fast ;)

I know I read somewhere that they nerfed the mana cost of aura of nausea however I don't seem to notice my spider running out of mana, so he is either not using the ability at all or its been in-nerfed?
They work great. I'm toting five around. I have 1 free stable slot so I am stuck with them until I stick them on my pet vendor. they are named one, two three, four, five. I found 2 weird things.

The Mobs always seem to attack the same one. It happens to be the one named one. I noticed this when training battle chickens also.

When I cnt shift to grab names the names always go five thru one in order. Classic Client

they nerfed the mana cost of aura of nausea
I think they reduced the effective time it lasts. Maybe increased mana also.


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
For those
They work great. I'm toting five around. I have 1 free stable slot so I am stuck with them until I stick them on my pet vendor. they are named one, two three, four, five. I found 2 weird things.

The Mobs always seem to attack the same one. It happens to be the one named one. I noticed this when training battle chickens also.

When I cnt shift to grab names the names always go five thru one in order. Classic Client

I think they reduced the effective time it lasts. Maybe increased mana also.
In EC there is a function to vet the pet with least amount of health. Together with the new mastery they introduced last Spring it's godsend for running packs.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For those

In EC there is a function to vet the pet with least amount of health. Together with the new mastery they introduced last Spring it's godsend for running packs.
That would be nice. The EC hurts my eyes so I cant use it.

I just call up the 5 bars and heal one over and over.

Not sure if these will work for the sorcerers dungeon event. We shall see soon.


Stratics Veteran
Much better choices for Sorc dungeon than the wolf spiders, imo, since the mobs have pretty low health.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I thought when we had pet revamp that when a pet got leveled up it lost its pack instinct


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I thought when we had pet revamp that when a pet got leveled up it lost its pack instinct
When you get to the 3rd slot there is a message that says it will lose pack instinct.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Much better choices for Sorc dungeon than the wolf spiders, imo, since the mobs have pretty low health.
Good. I miss changing pets. I may try to do a round with them tho. I can play another toon till then.


Stratics Veteran
I don't remember where I got it from but I recall a thing where the pet that gets hit is the first one you take out of the stable.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wondering what people think the right way to go with pack instinct is. Should I train up one pack animal to 2/3 slot as a "leader" who will tank? Or just use a group of 1 slot pets and wait for someone else to jump in first?
I thought about taking just two timber wolves and leveling them both up to 2, and see how that works. Obviously not world slayers, but might be fun, and could be ok in some situations.