EJ won't bring ANYONE if they don't advertise...the 20th party wasn't....only on uo.com....anyone see any commercials? YouTube Video's??
20 years is HUGE! It should have been EVERYWHERE!
How are we supposed to get new players if no one even knows about it?
Did they mention anything about that at the party?
I am glad they are doing it...no us Subbed people don't get anything extra...why would we? We have houses, they won't, we have vet rewards, they won't, we have holiday gifts, they won't.....etc. etc.
As far as the auction system? As stated, and I have asked Ry and Nexus cus they were there...IF you have a subbed account and put stuff in your bank, then leave for 90 days (you CANNOT have a house on an account) then come back....your bank will be untouched but inaccessible (AFAIK about the inaccessible part, maybe we might be able to look into the bank but not take anything out of it) BUT EJ accounts will have vault storage accessible to every character on that shard. If you want the stuff you put in your bank, just re-sub and it will all be there.
The Vault that goes to Auction is an EXTRA thing you have to pay for, and as Ry and Nexus and I discussed, I was a bit Leery...why pay for something if, by some chance, your CC doesn't go through, or Acct. management fails to send an e-mail and your account goes inactive, whatever is in that vault goes up for auction. BUT for Shard Transfers, people who want to play other shards and don't have a house...etc. it's an excellent idea, just don't put anything in there you don't want to lose
I know a few people who have wanted to come back over the years but because so much as changed, 14 days is just not enough time to learn it all, and they didn't want to spend the sub fee in case they really didn't want to stay...EJ is going to be a GREAT thing, I have already talked to several former players who are going to return when that is implemented.