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My Publish 98 Bane


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Finely made my Publish 98 Bane Dragon. I dubbed my Bane with the name Black Godzilla. Did my best to make my pet Developer proof for future publishes. My thoughts were to keep it simple.

Hit Points 900 Str 600 Dex/Sta 150 Int 125 Mana 600
HPR 20 MR 30
Physical 80/ Fire 75/ Energy 70/ Poison 70/ Cold 70
120 Wrestling
120 Tactics
120 Anatomy
120 Parry
57.3 Poison (and Climbing)
100 Magery
100 Eval Intelligence
120 Mediation
120 Focus
100 Resist Spells

Armor Ignore was the only thing I added. With its damage type everything else seemed to be a waste of Mana. It also séems to gain in poison only when using poison breath weapon.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No I did that with 3002 points. Banes start of as 3 slots now, unless you started training them in publish 97.


Stratics Veteran
had started mine so guessing it is gimped because it shows 4-5 with 1% trained


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
had started mine so guessing it is gimped because it shows 4-5 with 1% trained
Take it to TC and get it to low HP and release and retame it. It may drop a slot.
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Stratics Veteran
k thx, i'll give it a shot, as soon as i can get the copy thing to work(hasn't worked since i came back to uo,i keep trying every few week though)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
EA is greedy enough, I expect to see pet retrain tokens in UO store eventually.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Str of 600 seems to be a somewhat strange choice. So is low Int. Str affects damage, so you always want that maxed. And with Banes low mana regen, and magery, you'd want Int as high as possible too. But those are my preferences.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It came down to choices. 600 vs 700 is about 400 Skill Points. On test center the damage difference 4 to 6 points. By the time it bless itself STR goese up to 660 and use a tasty treat it's at 699. The only option to up the Strength would be to give up HPR or MR.

If I understand correctly STR and Hit Points count towards damage done. I went with Mana over Intelligence. Mana is the fuel for both Special and Spells. I have a 120 Magery and 120 Eval Int power scrolls that I didn't use for lack of Skill Points.

When I looked at Magical, Special Ablities, Weapon Specials, and AoEs I wasn't impressed by most abilities vs Mana Consumption. Wanted to build a well rounded pet that could be used for every day use. The only draw back is having the Daily Black Rock Stew.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It came down to choices. 600 vs 700 is about 400 Skill Points. On test center the damage difference 4 to 6 points. By the time it bless itself STR goese up to 660 and use a tasty treat it's at 699. The only option to up the Strength would be to give up HPR or MR.
I would keep moth MR and HPR, but I think 900HP is very excessive. Most of my pets do just fine with 600 and by "fine" I mean buried under invasion or champ spawn where I can't see the pet.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
900hp are there for when I take a dirt nap. :stretcher: Have to find a wandering healer and make it back on foot to my pet :gee:.
Happens more than I'd like to admitt :violin:


Stratics Veteran
This is just dumb.. why they cant add one free level for already trained banes?.. exactly why i will probably stop playing again.. i got ****ed up my most favourite pet.. f*ck that really..


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
was not there something with breath attack and a HP relation?
Yep, the more HP the stronger the fire breath. But the fire breath is a minor damage dealer. So sacrificing your major damage dealer (Str and Int) for it is not the best move IMO.


Stratics Veteran
Finely made my Publish 98 Bane Dragon. I dubbed my Bane with the name Black Godzilla. Did my best to make my pet Developer proof for future publishes. My thoughts were to keep it simple.

Hit Points 900 Str 600 Dex/Sta 150 Int 125 Mana 600
HPR 20 MR 30
Physical 80/ Fire 75/ Energy 70/ Poison 70/ Cold 70
120 Wrestling
120 Tactics
120 Anatomy
120 Parry
57.3 Poison (and Climbing)
100 Magery
100 Eval Intelligence
120 Mediation
120 Focus
100 Resist Spells

Armor Ignore was the only thing I added. With its damage type everything else seemed to be a waste of Mana. It also séems to gain in poison only when using poison breath weapon.

And how is poison climbing if you do not have the poison skill ? Poison breath do not make poison raising lol


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dude if you look there is a poison skill listed.....lol

Apparently you don't own a bane or have not used it.

The poison skill is used when they use there breath weapon. The breath weapon only works if it's been charged by black rock stew.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So Black rock stew only affects the breath weapon ? I keep getting the "pet not at max efficiency" type msg - but the stats don't change nor the "wonderfully happy" msg, so I quit deeding the stew. Should I keep feeding it?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Stew is just used to recharge the Banes special ablities. You can also feed them tasty treats if there loyality gets to low.

Basically if you want it to use the breath weapon feed it stew. If you dont care about the breath weapon then skip the stew.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
was not there something with breath attack and a HP relation?
Traditional fire breath is HP divided by 5, so 900 HP would be 180 damage then assuming your target has 70% resist the damage would be reduced down to 54.