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Intelligence vs MR on pets?

Lord Gandalf

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Does intelligence affect mana regeneration on pets?

If you were about to choose between 20hpr on a cu sidhe vs max Intelligence, what would you pick if ur current abilities are sw and ai?

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Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Does intelligence affect mana regeneration on pets?

If you were about to choose between 20hpr on a cu sidhe vs max Intelligence, what would you pick if ur extra abilities are (sw and ai)?

My understanding is that Intelligence DOES help with regenerating mana, but not as much as MR. I would go with HPR anyway. It really seems to help my pets stay alive.

Lord Gandalf

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I already got 30mr, but i was thinking that INT might boost it a little bit more, since hpr is kinda useless on a cu who perma heals itself


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Does intelligence affect mana regeneration on pets?

If you were about to choose between 20hpr on a cu sidhe vs max Intelligence, what would you pick if ur extra abilities are (sw and ai)?

Mana availability is arguably the most important quality in the post publish pets, as it determines it's DPS and in some cases tanking. Intelligence helps a little with mr, but it's also cheap point wise. Asking whether you should pick AI or SW over Int is not a proper question IMO. The abilities/magic etc, such as AI should be dictated by what you intend to do with the pet, and should be selected first. After you settled your abilities, you can juggle your stats to make the most of your pet. I would chose Int over HP (assuming I have at least 500HP). I would not pick it over hpr, but that's because I am lazy and prefer pets to heal themselves.


The Enchanter
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My understanding is that every 100 points of intelligence is equivalent to 1MR, and that intelligence also affects casting damage. That's just been what I've seen in doing some limited testing myself and discussion amongst guildmates.

I usually get intelligence on a pet up to the nearest hundred. If you have a pet that will be a heavy caster, you might want to think about going high, depending ofcourse on amount of available pet training skill points you have to allocate.

Lord Gandalf

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mana availability is arguably the most important quality in the post publish pets, as it determines it's DPS and in some cases tanking. Intelligence helps a little with mr, but it's also cheap point wise. Asking whether you should pick AI or SW over Int is not a proper question IMO. The abilities/magic etc, such as AI should be dictated by what you intend to do with the pet, and should be selected first. After you settled your abilities, you can juggle your stats to make the most of your pet. I would chose Int over HP (assuming I have at least 500HP). I would not pick it over hpr, but that's because I am lazy and prefer pets to heal themselves.
I think u got me wrong, my pet already got ai and sw (thats what i meant to say).

Im gona go with int now that im almost sure that int affects mr.

Thanks for the answers
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Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Does intelligence affect mana regeneration on pets?

If you were about to choose between 20hpr on a cu sidhe vs max Intelligence, what would you pick if ur current abilities are sw and ai?

INT does effect mana regen, assuming it's the same calculation as it is for players, which I think it is. I would still go with mana regen, it's not expensive, and pets burn mana like a mf.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I would chose Int over HP (assuming I have at least 500HP). I would not pick it over hpr, but that's because I am lazy and prefer pets to heal themselves.
Yeah I've found that pets really don't need as much HP as people are tending to give them. Like I've seen birds with like 1k hps... I'm like, why?

Basically there will be three scenarios, 1) minor stuff, the pet will take care of itself. 2) Major non boss stuff, you will need to help it out, but you can do so from a distance with magery or whatever. 3) Boss fights, and you will have to be slapping bandages on as quick as you can. 500 hp is really enough, I think honestly you could go lower, I've been doing 350-400 on my non 5 slotters and they can handle just about anything with me vetting, so I begin to wonder why a pet really needs a lot of HP.

I think the main reason you would give a pet more than 400-500 hp is to make it low maintenence. At that level it can sit surrounded for a good while, and if it can heal itself by some means and the monsters aren't super scary (like invasions sans the fireballers) almost indefinitely. The lower the health the more you have to tend to it, and in boss fights the more more hp will help with wiggle room if you have if you need to cast a spell for another reason (like to invis to drop aggro off yourself) etc.

Basically I personally want the health as low as possible, while still being able to deal with heavy blows from a boss type enemy with my activly vetting it. I might try a few 4 slotters at 250, and see how well that works. If it works well, great, cause the lower level stuff could get a significant power boost from not adding that extra 150-250 hps.
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Basically I personally want the health as low as possible, while still being able to deal with heavy blows from a boss type enemy with my activly vetting it. I might try a few 4 slotters at 250, and see how well that works. If it works well, great, cause the lower level stuff could get a significant power boost from not adding that extra 150-250 hps.
HP doesn't really matter, as long as it can survive a triple damage hit (i.e. crazed mage, burning, etc.) I usually go 800+ HP on all my pets since I like to go the low maintenance route. While they aren't as versatile as a multiple 120'd pet, they still get the job done - only 120's I've fed (and only to a few pets) have been Eval and Wrestling. I think I gave Tactics or Anat to something, but I forget what - it's not even that much of a damage boost.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No, every 400 int is 10 MR.
  • Strength, Dexterity & Intelligence: 2300
  • Strength 3.0x
  • Dexterity 0.1x
  • Intelligence 0.5x

700 strength is 2100 points 150 dex is 15 points that leaves 370 max for Int.

So 100 int =2 mana regen. Setting str to 700 makes the most you can have in int as 370.

I would keep the str at 700 for more damage. Pets are melee. ill take the 3.7 MR over 4 or slightly more.

Stats should be set to 30MR already. is 33 vs 36 mR really a reason to reduce damage?

Wanna waste point in intel go ahead.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
  • Strength, Dexterity & Intelligence: 2300
  • Strength 3.0x
  • Dexterity 0.1x
  • Intelligence 0.5x
700 strength is 2100 points 150 dex is 15 points that leaves 370 max for Int.

So 100 int =2 mana regen. Setting str to 700 makes the most you can have in int as 370.

I would keep the str at 700 for more damage. Pets are melee. ill take the 3.7 MR over 4 or slightly more.

Stats should be set to 30MR already. is 33 vs 36 mR really a reason to reduce damage?

Wanna waste point in intel go ahead.
I fully agree with this. While I try to max out Int, I do it AFTER Str, Dex, and Stamina are maxed. IMO, these 3 (with damage) should be maxed out on every single pet you have (with a possible exception of some ultra-specialized caster or tanking pets) as they have highest sustained DPS effect..


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah I've found that pets really don't need as much HP as people are tending to give them. Like I've seen birds with like 1k hps... I'm like, why?
There is one possible caveat to that. On one of the recent patches Devs said that high HP can translate to higher damage. However, either it does not work, or it works, but is not reflected in the gumps. I tend to think it does not work (yet?) based on my own testing between pets with 300 or so HP difference. Even if it does work, or will work in the future, the cost of extra HP might make it not the best point investment.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hehe My Iron beetle keeps the Armor Ignores flying through a entire general only has 30MR but he was built to tank and nothing else....... other than to poop out ore.

Iron Beetle.png


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I overwrote the pic of the mobs all on at once.


I like plenty of life. I can scout around, read the forums. I dont have to use Consume damage.

He has mana left, I walk in and heal every10 min.


Lovin the chiv Lesser.


Stratics Veteran
Yeah I've found that pets really don't need as much HP as people are tending to give them. Like I've seen birds with like 1k hps... I'm like, why?
Majority of our trained 5 slotters are 600 health, some are only 500, and they are still hella tanks. I have some 4 slotters at 300-400.

Hit points are expensive. I'd rather have those extra training points in mana, scrolls and str. No idea why people go 1000 hits. There are so very few encounters I would want a 1000 hit point pet for.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I see the 600 HP pets on LS. They walk around as ghosts while mine is fighting.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I see the 600 HP pets on LS. They walk around as ghosts while mine is fighting.
I was having pretty much the same thought :)Or they wait for your 800-1000 HP tank to start the fight and then join in.


This table is X point mana regeneration every 10 seconds vs MR and INT.(vertical: MR, horizon:INT)
And this table is training costs vs. 1 mana per 10 sec .

I don't care what your choice.
These tables from " きまぐれUO日記:PUB97のペット育成実験 in 出雲とか、育成のコツやデータ集など: 『イナムラ総研(仮)の開発レポート的な何か。』 ".

And I forgot about STR and DI source.
700 STR = 215% DI
635 STR = 195.5% DI
120 tactics = 81.25% DI
120 anatomy = 65% DI
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I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sounds good. Pets are melee. Ill go 700 str 375 Int. That 9 regen with a huge damage reduction does not sound good to me.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sounds good. Pets are melee. Ill go 700 str 375 Int. That 9 regen with a huge damage reduction does not sound good to me.
Now to be fair in a group having a strong caster pet can be nice, a place where something like a serp dragon can shine and use that magery mastery and deliver a lot of damage *IF* it manages to go off, behind a strong tanking pet. For solo play though they just don't cut it on anything above mid tier stuff.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This table is X point mana regeneration every 10 seconds vs MR and INT.(vertical: MR, horizon:INT)
And this table is training costs vs. 1 mana per 10 sec .

I don't care what your choice.
These tables from " きまぐれUO日記:PUB97のペット育成実験 in 出雲とか、育成のコツやデータ集など: 『イナムラ総研(仮)の開発レポート的な何か。』 ".

And I forgot about STR and DI source.
700 STR = 215% DI
635 STR = 195.5% DI
120 tactics = 81.25% DI
120 anatomy = 65% DI
That's some excellent work in that blog. It's unfortunate that Google translate works rather poorly there. I had to stop reading after encountering "the auger cock teacher is me lying around" :)


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Now to be fair in a group having a strong caster pet can be nice, a place where something like a serp dragon can shine and use that magery mastery and deliver a lot of damage *IF* it manages to go off, behind a strong tanking pet. For solo play though they just don't cut it on anything above mid tier stuff.
Heres my take on the int debate.

If int was so great why dont we see Serpentine dragons all over the place? The first time I saw their Lore, I thought it would be a popular magic pet.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That's some excellent work in that blog. It's unfortunate that Google translate works rather poorly there. I had to stop reading after encountering "the auger cock teacher is me lying around" :)
It was the "Flying road chicken feet mountain" that got me.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Heres my take on the int debate.

If int was so great why dont we see Serpentine dragons all over the place? The first time I saw their Lore, I thought it would be a popular magic pet.
Serps are a very good pet backing up a tank or two. Worthless as a stand alone.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I fully agree with this. While I try to max out Int, I do it AFTER Str, Dex, and Stamina are maxed. IMO, these 3 (with damage) should be maxed out on every single pet you have (with a possible exception of some ultra-specialized caster or tanking pets) as they have highest sustained DPS effect..
For sure. Every pet should max out str. It's the most important stat.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I see the 600 HP pets on LS. They walk around as ghosts while mine is fighting.
Only because thier owners are careless, I'd wager. Like I said, give pets high hp if you want them to leave them unattended, but if you play more activly it's just a waste of points.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
If int was so great why dont we see Serpentine dragons all over the place? The first time I saw their Lore, I thought it would be a popular magic pet.
Well, I've seen very very few non ridable pets myself. I do wish they had left in the 5 slot makes it unrideable, but that's just me. With 5 slots rideable you will only ever see birds, bugs, cus and the occasional mare/firesteed for the looks.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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And I always had the silly notion that Shadow Dragons would totally rock! And they suck if they were maybe a 3 slot pet they might get ok but I rather doubt it.


Stratics Veteran
I was having pretty much the same thought :)Or they wait for your 800-1000 HP tank to start the fight and then join in.
I have to disagree here, all the tamers in my guild will jump in first and we don't have a problem with our pets or us dying. The one exception off the top of my head would be EM events bosses, we take a specialized tank pet there. I blame tamers. There are a lot of not very knowledgeable ones out there with not very good pets.
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Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Even only partially trained this one hits the big 350+ hits, keeps himself cured of poisons, heals himself enough so I don't have to keep vet on and can tank pretty much anything. As far as mana he regens fast enough to keep the chiv spell going non stop through very long fights. His Counterpart has bushi and goo instead of Chiv and AI but is identical in every other way. The Chiv one is hands down the highest DPS but takes a lot more damage from mobs. The Bushi one is about 1/4 less DPS against a single target but can tank massive amounts of spawn and has a higher DPS across the entire spawn with the goo and whirlwind. In the case of the invasions I can put either of them on a general and go stealthing around for 5 minutes finding the next victim and come back to them at worst 30% health and the general near death and a pile of corpses of lesser spawn around them. Can't do that with the low HP critters gotta stand there and either run consume, spam bandages or greater heals. LOL I might not be very knowledgeable and not have very good pets, but they get the job done and out perform the rest of the pets with big mana, low HP and requiring constant attention from their owners. I do have a lot of other pets that fall into the specialized category Firebeetles, blue beetles, Iron Beetles, Firesteeds, WWs, and even a set of the new 100% drakes and sadly some CUs and mares and unicorns all very good pets in their own rights and in the situations they were built for, but very far from the best all around can fight anything pets. The problem I see with a lot of tamers is they constantly pick the the wrong pet for the job at hand and their all around pet (Usually a Frosty, CU or GD) is about the least effective pet for what they are trying to fight, but hey that is their choice.



Stratics Veteran
. LOL I might not be very knowledgeable and not have very good pets, but they get the job done and out perform the rest of the pets with big mana, low HP and requiring constant attention from their owners.... The problem I see with a lot of tamers is they constantly pick the the wrong pet for the job at hand and their all around pet (Usually a Frosty, CU or GD) is about the least effective pet for what they are trying to fight, but hey that is their choice.
My comment wasn't directed towards you. My comment was regarding the people who bring wrong pets, or train their animals and still have 125 stam, etc. Those are the not very knowledgeable ones and who end up with the dead pets at spawns/invasions. Two weeks in and I still see FWW pets at the invasion. Or...the trained pet who didn't max (or even train for that matter) the pets resists. *cringe*

The system is complicated. The choices are vast and confusing. And a lot of people have come back or just never much played their tamer. I understand that. Which is why I say they aren't very knowledgeable.

As I said, we have no problem with any of our 600 hp pets, we use them at spawns, we use them at invasions, they don't need to be babysat. Heck, freaking thieves always take our bandages first. Our pets work for us, we have tanked tons with them and we have never lost out of a spellbook with them. With the exception of the dragons in brit and the undead in Skara when it first spawns, the invasion mobs are pretty weak.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My comment wasn't directed towards you. My comment was regarding the people who bring wrong pets, or train their animals and still have 125 stam, etc. Those are the not very knowledgeable ones and who end up with the dead pets at spawns/invasions. Two weeks in and I still see FWW pets at the invasion. Or...the trained pet who didn't max (or even train for that matter) the pets resists. *cringe*

The system is complicated. The choices are vast and confusing. And a lot of people have come back or just never much played their tamer. I understand that. Which is why I say they aren't very knowledgeable.

As I said, we have no problem with any of our 600 hp pets, we use them at spawns, we use them at invasions, they don't need to be babysat. Heck, freaking thieves always take our bandages first. Our pets work for us, we have tanked tons with them and we have never lost out of a spellbook with them. With the exception of the dragons in brit and the undead in Skara when it first spawns, the invasion mobs are pretty weak.
Try one of the Chiv Hiryus on the brit dragon spawn, they chew right through the GDs and AWs, I was amazed at how fast he took down a AW and 2 greaters the first time I did that invasion. As soon as he had them on him I figured we would run or he would die. AW was down in about 45 seconds the two greaters about 2 minutes after, because he had to chase them down and wait for them to land.

Then I see a couple of people trying to fight a vesper frost dragon with a CU, a frost dragon and frost mite and me killing a frost 4x faster with a fire beetle or fire steed. That is where a lot of folks miss the boat, picking the wrong pet for the job......... And don't get me wrong I use some low hp pets that hold up very well, Ossein Ram with necro and life leech for example. only 550HP but can stand there and take a beating with the best of them.

And here is proof that one should not train pets when nearing the bottom of the rum bottle :)


King Greg

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
And I always had the silly notion that Shadow Dragons would totally rock! And they suck if they were maybe a 3 slot pet they might get ok but I rather doubt it.
It's all about that base damage. With Chivalry and AI they can hit for ~ 300 armor ignores with enemy of one.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Intel increases mana regen minimally. Put the str to 700 and the rest in Mana.
INT is better than Mana. Max Mana doesn't matter that much in a boss fight, your pet will blow through all it's Mana then be left working on fumes. Higher INT helps it regen Mana faster so that it can more frequently use spells/specials once it reaches that point in the boss fight where it's mana dumped. Plus it very slightly increases spell damage. If the pet has Magery Mastery, INT suddenly becomes a lot more valuable due to Mind Blast.
But yeah, STR > DEX > INT for raw stats, and for derived stats it's Stam > Health > Mana.

And I always had the silly notion that Shadow Dragons would totally rock! And they suck if they were maybe a 3 slot pet they might get ok but I rather doubt it.
Yeah, Shadow Wyrms have 29-35 Base Damage and up to 1,030 STR (INSANE). They can hit hard, when they land a hit. Problem is, they max out at GM Wrestling (and so have a hard time hitting any current boss), max out at 125 Stamina (and so don't hit the swing cap for pets), and their Corpse Skin casting messes with their own melee damage output. Plus, they have no MR or Specials like AI. Once they piss away their Mana from casting, it takes a long time to regain it.
If pets that tame out at 5 Slots could get just even 500 Training Points, it would go a long way to making them viable. As is, a pet with Chiv or Wrestling Mastery will out damage any 5 slot upon tame pet.

Then I see a couple of people trying to fight a vesper frost dragon with a CU, a frost dragon and frost mite and me killing a frost 4x faster with a fire beetle or fire steed. That is where a lot of folks miss the boat, picking the wrong pet for the job......... And don't get me wrong I use some low hp pets that hold up very well, Ossein Ram with necro and life leech for example. only 550HP but can stand there and take a beating with the best of them.
Yep, i see this all the time. People using a Cu for absolutely everything, even against stuff that's highly resistant to Cold/Energy. Cus are going to break their teeth fighting the Nightmare Fairy coming in the October update, that thing has 85+ Cold/Energy Resists. Cu Sidhes naturally excel at tanking due to their innate Healing, so i specialized my Cu Sidhe even further as a tank by giving him Feint. Only pet i've seen that can reasonably tank Exodus with some healing from me. The Saurosaurus is another amazing Tank, due to it's up to 85 Physical/90 Fire Resist and Life Leech, not that great at dishing out damage though.

A Fire Beetle/Frost Mite with Rune Corruption+AI is great at dishing out damage, especially in a group setting due to Rune Corruption causing an entire group to deal more damage to the victim, so great for guild hunts. Plus if someone Corpse Skins the victim, the Fire Beetle will dish out even more damage. The 100% Elemental Crimson/Platinum Drakes can also be great for dishing out damage, since you can choose the Drake that corresponds to the target's weakest Resist, plus they can learn Chiv (which is what allows the Fire/Cold Drake to compete with the Fire Beetle/Frost Mite in terms of individual damage output). The Dread Spider has the highest AoE capability of any pet i've seen so far with Poison Breath and Necromage, but they're a bit of a glass cannon with between 300-400 Health. Gotta keep up the bandies on them, unless they're taking Physical Damage and you have Consume Damage running.


Crazed Zealot
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I have used a chiv rune beetle for the invasion with only 550 HP without AI, but with the 27% DCI and 27% damage reduction my peace songs give it, it could tank the dragons at brit without much of a hassle.
Add disco from my tamer and rune corruption and that thing hits really hard.
It's only disadvantage is that it can't be mounted. :(


I've yet to get a chance to put wrestling mastery on something, is it that effective?
OLD : Wrestling Mastery ALWAYS gives double damage.
NOW : Wrestling Mastery gives double damage like special moves.Pet pays mana and have instant double damage attack onece.
They did this change SILENTLY.
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Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've yet to get a chance to put wrestling mastery on something, is it that effective?
I love wrestling mastery in some situations. In others there are some things you just don't want to disarm :)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have used a chiv rune beetle for the invasion with only 550 HP without AI, but with the 27% DCI and 27% damage reduction my peace songs give it, it could tank the dragons at brit without much of a hassle.
Add disco from my tamer and rune corruption and that thing hits really hard.
It's only disadvantage is that it can't be mounted. :(
That is one of the problems with pets I would like to use. They can't be mounted, which is not a big deal until the last part of an invasion when you have to run all over say........ Trinsic cleaning up the last few spawn and then find the Titan.


Babbling Loonie
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I see your point, but on the other hand, are you teleporting in and out to change pets in the middle of an invasion spawn?
No, i just hear what city it is, which determines what the spawn is, and bring a pet that does better against most of the spawn. Fire Beetles do well in Vesper, where it's always Ice Spawn, as well as in Skara, where it's always Undead. Frost Mites do well at East Brit where it's always Dragons, as well as in Minoc.
The other night i used my Saurosaurus to tank a horde of Dragons (Drakes, Dragons, GDs and AWs) in East Brit with my Disco/Tamer, while using my Thrower to kill the Dragons. A Saurosaurus with 85 Physical/90 Fire Resist and Consume Damage running on him, laughs at hordes of Dragons. They can't even scratch the Saurosaurus.
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