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Fire Steeds


Seasoned Veteran
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i realize there have been threads about Fire Steeds, but I'm curious what magical abilities people have been adding to theirs.
I have one I'm skilling up as a "test bed". This one has chivalry and AI. I didn't add any power scrolls.
I have a couple of others but not sure what route I'll go with them. Was considering spell weaving but not sure. Which is why I'm asking what others have added to theirs.


I Hate Skilling
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There has not been many threads about them. You can choose from many magic abilities. A 2 slot variety has enough points to add the abilities and some scrolls.

Mine just has AI and goo. I wonder if the legacy ones are better than the ones we can get now. If so, that would make a good one.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Interesting, I didn't even think about just adding AI and goo and no magical ability. How is that steed doing?

Also what makes legacy steeds so special? Mine are 2 slot just like the new ones

I still might give spell weaving a spin on one. I also noticed I have another ready to go to 4 slots and I went AI, goo and chiv on that one.


I Hate Skilling
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Un trained Nightmares that were pre pub 97 turned to 2 slots even tho many had 3 slot stats. I dont know if Fire Steeds did the same. They have more points at the end compared to the 2 slot versions now.

Mine does fine with no magic. The Dragon Breath uses a lot of mana. I made mine to use at Mel. I wanted all fire damage. It works fine there.

Chiv works on other pets I have put it on.


Stratics Veteran
i realize there have been threads about Fire Steeds, but I'm curious what magical abilities people have been adding to theirs.
I have one I'm skilling up as a "test bed". This one has chivalry and AI. I didn't add any power scrolls.
I have a couple of others but not sure what route I'll go with them. Was considering spell weaving but not sure. Which is why I'm asking what others have added to theirs.

We have about 6 or so fire steeds we use regularly. Including 1 with the Chiv/AI combo. Decent animals. We prefer them to dogs, but that's personal preference. Have a couple more being trained now. We dont tend to put magicial abilities on them, more special abilities/aoe.


Stratics Veteran
Put Mysticism on mine and he rarely casts a spell(maybe 1 every 2 minutes), has AI which he uses occasionally.


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
Interesting, I didn't even think about just adding AI and goo and no magical ability. How is that steed doing?
Based on some of them pets I see, it seems many people think that the more abilities the pet has the better. And it's actually the opposite. Pets have little to no situational awareness when it comes to using abilities. It just randomly casts whatever is available. So when you have a really good ability such as an armor ignore (AI), and only it, the pet will cast it 10 out of 10 times. If you add Magery to it which brings 9 more abilities (making up numbers) that are useful but not as good as AI, you now will have AI firing 1 out of 10 times. This will drop your pet's DPS quite a bit. On top of that, most pets have serious issues with mana. So any extra abilities will be negatively affecting your best ability from the mana pool stand point as well.
You can see it very well with Dragon Breath on various dragons and drakes. It does less damage than AI, while costing plenty of mana. So Dragon Breath is actually a detriment to pet's DPS. By the same token, you do not want to have Goo on a single target/boss pet. I will use mana that is better used for other abilities.


Grand Poobah
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I put disco on mine, took forever to get the disco up but it a a very effective pet.


Stratics Veteran
If its a boss where the pet is not tanking/have aggro, they will not cast goo.

As for Dragon breath, its actually not that big of hindrance as some believe. We have run a lot of numbers based on actual tests and various specs/stats. It does somewhat depend on spec how often it is cast though.

But I do somewhat agree that the less abilities the better dps most pets can achieve.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Thanks everyone.

Tyrath, did you scroll your steed?

Lastly, how is the mana use on steeds with minimal added abilities, like just AI?


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks everyone.

Tyrath, did you scroll your steed?

Lastly, how is the mana use on steeds with minimal added abilities, like just AI?
AI uses quite a lot of mana and by itself is quite capable of draining the mana pool of any pet with any configuration of abilities. Fire steeds dont have the best mana regen out there, so you will run out no matter what you do.


Stratics Veteran
Minimal abilities and no magic or a magic school too?

No magic, abilities only with approx 400 mana pool, 30 regen and some int, fire steeds cast abilities approximately every 8 seconds (that's averaged out, tests were mana drained 2 minute duration samples, 15 abilities in those two minutes on average)


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Thanks guys and gals for the info.
Life has kept me away for a bit. That happens more then I'd care for but such is life.

Anyway, I had a crazy thought. What if I just picked spellweaving? Does anyone think that would hurt the fire steed?