Ok on Oceania, been fishing up mibs for days now trying to get Kalens staff. (I had 40 mibs at the start of the process and figured that would be plenty) I am now up to 129 mibs fished up, for zip. I have 0 mibs now and basically give up.
It is the most soul destroying thing I have ever done. I want to be doing other parts of the arc here but frankly have gotten so pissed off with this whole moronic system that I seriously do not know if it is worth the aggravation. @Kyronix is this working as intended? That a person can fish up the staff on 1 (one) mib and others spend hour after hour after hour doing the same thing for nothing?
I am out of mibs now and none available to buy on the shard, I have purchased 200k worth of salvage hooks and gone through the process of spending hours chucking them into the water and killing the mobs to get more mibs.
I thought maybe the char was bugged, so went to iver's rounding and killed undead for the caretakers key which I got in 5 mins. I can't stone the fishing skill to another char as my fisher is 120 fishing skill and I don't have another 120 scroll to put the skill on another char.
If anyone on Ocenia can get one of these staff's please msg me.
I have never experienced anything that has pissed me off more in this game than this. I seriously wonder why anything is designed like this instead of there being a hard coded 'limit' (ie get it between 0-20 attempts) or something so that players can actually progress at reasonable speed through quests like this.
I have all the other bits to hand in but I am not gonna spend another minute on this and am totally over it.
It is the most soul destroying thing I have ever done. I want to be doing other parts of the arc here but frankly have gotten so pissed off with this whole moronic system that I seriously do not know if it is worth the aggravation. @Kyronix is this working as intended? That a person can fish up the staff on 1 (one) mib and others spend hour after hour after hour doing the same thing for nothing?
I am out of mibs now and none available to buy on the shard, I have purchased 200k worth of salvage hooks and gone through the process of spending hours chucking them into the water and killing the mobs to get more mibs.
I thought maybe the char was bugged, so went to iver's rounding and killed undead for the caretakers key which I got in 5 mins. I can't stone the fishing skill to another char as my fisher is 120 fishing skill and I don't have another 120 scroll to put the skill on another char.
If anyone on Ocenia can get one of these staff's please msg me.
I have never experienced anything that has pissed me off more in this game than this. I seriously wonder why anything is designed like this instead of there being a hard coded 'limit' (ie get it between 0-20 attempts) or something so that players can actually progress at reasonable speed through quests like this.
I have all the other bits to hand in but I am not gonna spend another minute on this and am totally over it.