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life leech on a pet


I been messing round with a nightmare and cant figure out how to add life leech, I heard you can only give it to necro pets , so should I give him necro then life leech will open as a option? am lil confused to how to add it and what pets can get it, plz help ty.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't think life leech is available on the mare and adding necro will not help. Life leech is only available on a few pets. Ossein Ram, Tsuki Wolf, and Saurosarus are the only ones I can name of the top of my head.
Keep in mind that life leech sounds much better than it really is. Every time a pet with LL is hit, LL fires and consumes 5 (I think) mana. All of those pets above have pretty crappy mana regens that are not fixable through training. So LL provides burst tanking up to the point the mana is gone which does not take long at all. While it's tanking effects are temporary, it's mana draining effect is pretty much constant while it's in combat (you may not have mana for AI, but there is always 5 points for LL every time a mongbat hits you). Which means that there is not a whole lot of mana left for other useful moves.


Stratics Veteran
I been messing round with a nightmare and cant figure out how to add life leech, I heard you can only give it to necro pets , so should I give him necro then life leech will open as a option? am lil confused to how to add it and what pets can get it, plz help ty.
Animals are only allowed one special ability. For Nightmares they get dragon breath, so life leech is unavailable to them. This is also the case of hell hounds and pred hell cats


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In such case, maybe it's best to boost mana higher so the LL would last longer?
More mana is always good. However even if you max it out, in any scenario where LL is needed, you will run out of mana long before the fight is over.