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My name is Sharog Burzob, I am an Orc, I Come from another world of UO. My Family and I have studied a

few Shard forums, this one is the first we have contacted. Mostly we have always played as a small group, life

is not always favorable for time to play UO, leading us not to play. We are interested in making an appearance,

maybe when I find time this weekend I will come look around. Where does one find the role play community


Noble Beast

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Evenings are the high volume times for Catskills, concerning population. [4-11pm Eastern]

The RP Community is very attentive to the Tavern Nights. This schedule and other shard events can be found in the "sticky" section.

This is an interesting time to have some RP Orcs. EM Dramnar created several clans that we fought against and, as usual, the Orcs near Cove are starting trouble again. I look forward to you and your clan's point of view. All are welcome to join in on the fun.