In regards to the BOD book I know Mesanna probably won't read this but I know Kyronix will because he's good like that.
Maybe they need more of an example to understand the problems us crafters have.
Now, I know she's said in the past...or someone said..that we're not supposed to Horde the BOD's, we're supposed to fill them and turn them in! Well..DUH! Silly....we know that! BUT we have to keep them because we have larges to fill..and some of us (~Points to self~) do not bribe....SO....I collect my allotted BOD's a day and hope to get a small to fill one of my the meantime I have to put them somewhere!
I don't use BOD vendors for storage either. a crafter I tend to have the tools of my trade in my backpack all the time....shovel, tinker tools, sewing kit, scissors, salvage bag along with my runebooks and various talismens.
So say I want to get a BOD out of one of my books that's full or near this picture I am carrying JUST my runebooks and a few other items, I emptied out almost everything else.
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I am at 30 out of 125 items..all good..but remember I emptied my back a bit!
Now I went and got some BOD books that total 447 BODS...a full book is 500 right?
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In this picture I put my tools back as if I had a full wouldn't work...I would have to empty out my pack of almost EVERYTHING just to get ONE BOD out of a book...ONE BOD!
Now if Mesanna doesn't want them to be a 1-item thing inside a backpack...fine.....BUT do us a favor then...make it so we can get BOD's out of a book while it's locked down! THAT would help us crafters SO MUCH!
As of right now, we HAVE to have the book in our pack to get a BOD out.....please PLEASE
@Kyronix tell our great lady of our troubles and make BOD's retrievable while the books are locked down!!! For all crafters everywhere we beseech thee!!!