So far, you notice towncriers have some news. you need to order newspaper off them, but it may already dropped on floor. Read it at every city.
Moonglow part - you visit Lycaeum, talk to npc, get direction to tavern at Vesper, talk to 3 persons and finally to mouse. As result you learn way to visit Mythran at voids, who give you pagan spellbook. At some point you allowed to read books at his place.
Treasure maps part - you visit directed npc at Jhelom, talk to him and go hunt for t-maps at selected dungeons, dig them a lot and find scrolls for spellbook and some reagents.
Once you get spells for spellbook you get clues about what to do next. For example you get clue to craft reagent (hammer) using tinker from items, you can find at Minoc mines spawn.
News about Verper floods direct you to run around Vesper to find npc who ask you to find something lost at sea. I stuck at this part.
Skara part - you visit island nearby and kill spawn until you get quest item as drop.
News about taxes at Trinsic - have no clue is it ready or not. Found nothing interesting yet.
EDIT: some "news" are not from newspaper, but from research notes by Mythran