I usually like your posts but this idea would just be a waste of time and technically become a free shard, everything we own in game belongs to EA including the developers that work for them. Agreed some stuff could be better but there's also a reason why this game has survived 20 years, I truly believe that everyone would have left already if it was as broken as some make it seem...
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Some free shard are onlne 15+ years, so the idea of "survived 20 years" isn't all that goal.
Some of this free shard, have their own map, own mobiles, a lot of content in high res, without the big EA support and developers, only with players donations. So its a little overrated the "20 years with improvements"
Tibia for example was first released in jan 1997, so its a 20 years game of a small company (cipsoft if compared to ea) they still launching new features, redoing graphics, launching servers in new countries, and they work with a system of f2p+p2p , and allow players trade gold for game-time on a official way.
They have worst graphics then uo.
but they have a cool referral system, a cool 3rd party makers system, a cool investment and partnership to streamers, and is always up on social medias.
tibia in google = About 25,700,000 results (0.42 seconds)
ultima online in google = About 18,700,000 results (0.56 seconds)
remember if you tag ultima online, it will search for ultima and online, so will show a lot of unrelated topics, if you type "ultima online" you will get only About 438,000 results (0.50 seconds)