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Selling Armor Full NO-NAME 2470 Human Mage LUCK SUIT !!! Taking Offers take a LOOK =)

Greetings! We are looking to take offers on this no name luck suit!
Not sure of prices so please help us out with any offers or advice you feel it may be worth =)

You can reach us at ICQ: 715270541 or Stratics PM !

This suit is made for Max luck build
(These artifacts are not included)

Mempo of Fortune | Lucky Charm | Crimson | Conjurers
Bleue Jewels | Melissa Cape | Minax Sandals
190 Luck Weapon (so you can choose mage or nonmage wep of your own)

Your Stats with These Artifacts Will Be:

Luck : 2470
Casting : 2/6
Resists : 70/70/69/53/70
Lower Mana : 35
Lower Reagent : 110
DCI : 15
HPI : 20
Mana Regen : 16
Hit Point Reg : 12
Mana INC : 24
INT INC : 12
Str INC : 17

Full Human Med!



Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No advice on this suit? Is it missing anything?

or has taming made it too easy to need good suit..
after selling lots of suits, my advice is sell the gloves seperate as there really the only good piece. get it to 40lmc. having imbued is better than having legendaries with wasted stats (no pvm mage needs stam, hci, poison eater, reflect)

if it were me, id take the golden legs (the most useful luck mage piece out of all of them) and use imbued for the rest.

a tamer with no sdi just sitting there, (or macro swapping in an out on chest opens and boss deaths) can use a really cheap suit. can make one for nothing. someone who wants a luck suit for actually killing stuff, as a daily suit, is probably going to want more sdi, max lmc, max dci. This suit doesnt really fit into either one of those categories (unless its basically free). just my opinion since you asked.


Seasoned Veteran
basically its not even 2470 as the artifacts are not included so subtract that from the total luck and that drops a good chunk of luck of the max luck suite as the suite it self is missing alot of great qualities and a miss match off dexxer and mage armor is it even medable for a mage and not even fully resist so wouldnt be worth much to me i have a luck suite at 1900 with all arties and full resist survival is the key in this game to me first then luck

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Take it @Ducan IronWeaver . Good luck on getting them to respond though. They didn't respond to my ICQ so I have lost interest. I'm guessing they thought is was worth Plats, and are shocked it's not.