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I think I have a new favorite hunting pet


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
As I work my way down the list of things to tame and train I came to wild tigers and was not really to excited about them. As the Black ones training progressed I have became very impressed with them. They deal a lot of damage fast. I have not had problems with any pets getting their full gains from the Dread Pirates and the pirate having plenty of life to spare. Not so with the tigers I trained the White and Black one up together from 2-3 and they had the pirate red lined before hitting 50% training had to call them off and let the pirate regen to full health to get 100% on both. Keep in mind I have had up to 8 other pets whacking on the pirate from 1-2 and 2-3 and usually have to bring in a trained pet to finish the pirate off or use my sampire tamer to finish him.

from 3-4 the Black tiger red lined the pirate at 30% and had to call him off and let the pirate regen again to get the 50%. I am being very selective on what I scroll up now that I down to not a lot of 120 scrolls left. But the pair of Tigers are going to get 120 wrestle/tact/anat/parry/and focus and the balance of points left dumped into HP and maybe a little more mana.

Love it when I have very low hopes and expectations for a pet in training and it changes that!

BT1.jpg BT2.jpg BT3.jpg BT4.jpg BT5.jpg BT6.jpg BT7.jpg BT8.jpg


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
I want a black or white tiger. They have the best fighting graphics.


Seasoned Veteran
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Shh, You have let the secret out. I dont have alot of time but Training the my white tiger has been an adventure. I will need to attempt the dread pirates. I invested in The regens. Mine is at level 4-5 and I like it.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I may have to give that a go so far I've been unimpressed with things since they nerfed my spider I'm pretty sad.

King Greg

Lore Keeper
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Do they get pack instincts at 2 and 3 slot?

That plus their grasping claw would explain the increase in dps, but the stats do look really nice for a 4 slot pet.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Waited a bit before taking him from 4-5 If only I could put Bushido on him LOL he would just about be untouchable with that level of parry ability. Still very happy with how he turned out and how well he holds up in the fights so far. But Basic Training is over and he was chosen to move on to advanced scrolled up training. Meant to drop a 120 resisting Spells on him but oops forgot but he will do fine with 100. I did double his mana in the end. I noticed he ran out of 500 very often with AIs, Bleeds and Grasping Claw. He hits hard and fast, does not take much vetting and well the White and Black Tigers just look cool fighting, one of if not the best combat graphics in the game IMO. And now we are off to spend 60-90 minutes with Haven Sheep :)

BTA.jpg BTB.jpg BTC.jpg BTD.jpg BTE.jpg BTF.jpg BTG.jpg


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ran him by the Labyrinth house and tested him on Miasma at Gm levels He got down to 550-600 HP often but killed the Miasmas fast with the regular armor ignores up to 170 damage per. The damage DPS will improve a bit with the 120 tact Anat and wrestle. The Parry at 120 should reduce the Damage taken by 15%-20%. He is not going to be up there with the CU, Tsuki or Hiryu when it comes to tanking but in a group he would be a very good High DPS back up to the tanking pet.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
And if you forgot the old school ways or never knew them...... Still give the fastest parry gains as far as I can tell. 10.7 points in tiger parry gains in 20 minutes and the tougher the sheep get the faster the gains go :)

15 min with the sheep.jpg


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As I work my way down the list of things to tame and train I came to wild tigers and was not really to excited about them. As the Black ones training progressed I have became very impressed with them. They deal a lot of damage fast. I have not had problems with any pets getting their full gains from the Dread Pirates and the pirate having plenty of life to spare. Not so with the tigers I trained the White and Black one up together from 2-3 and they had the pirate red lined before hitting 50% training had to call them off and let the pirate regen to full health to get 100% on both. Keep in mind I have had up to 8 other pets whacking on the pirate from 1-2 and 2-3 and usually have to bring in a trained pet to finish the pirate off or use my sampire tamer to finish him.

from 3-4 the Black tiger red lined the pirate at 30% and had to call him off and let the pirate regen again to get the 50%. I am being very selective on what I scroll up now that I down to not a lot of 120 scrolls left. But the pair of Tigers are going to get 120 wrestle/tact/anat/parry/and focus and the balance of points left dumped into HP and maybe a little more mana.

Love it when I have very low hopes and expectations for a pet in training and it changes that!

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Yeah, I was gonna try one out myself. They are by far the easiest 2-5 to get to 700 str, unless I'm forgetting something.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I do have a few questions. With the pictures of the lore gump there are some Green items listed and then there are red ones, What is the difference? And then when bumping to a skill to 120 do you have to have the scroll at the time of applying the points, or can you add it in as I find them?


On another note how do you post pictures on here ?
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Please Dont

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The best way i trained parry on my sampire was flock of the 0 dps birds and stone shoes. I will have to try sheep next now only if i could throw stone shoes on my pets ;]


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I do have a few questions. With the pictures of the lore gump there are some Green items listed and then there are red ones, What is the difference? And then when bumping to a skill to 120 do you have to have the scroll at the time of applying the points, or can you add it in as I find them?


On another note how do you post pictures on here ?
Red seems to be the Abilties you pick and green the scrolls you add. You have to have the scroll in you back pack and then select the level of scroll in the training menu then hit train. You have to have the scrolls you want to add before you complete the pets training. When the pet training options button is not there anymore your are done and can't go back. I save adding scrolls to the last round of pet training options. Mainly because I want to make sure it is something I want to burn a scroll on. You can leave the last round of training options unfinished while you search out the scrolls you need.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The best way i trained parry on my sampire was flock of the 0 dps birds and stone shoes. I will have to try sheep next now only if i could throw stone shoes on my pets ;]
Spectral spell binders work great if you are training up 120 resist at the same time you are doing parry.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah, I was gonna try one out myself. They are by far the easiest 2-5 to get to 700 str, unless I'm forgetting something.
You can put a lot into a tiger they start with high Str and HP and if you fresh taming one you can find some with very good resist all of which saves you points. No mage of any kind on them so they are just straight up brawlers. The more I play with the Kitty the more I like him.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And 120 Parry finished up and time to join Toilet Seat who is training up the Blue Beetle in the Yomatsu Mines. It took longer than usual almost 2.5 hours to go to 120. I blame it on the sheep rigging the RNG!!!

parry done 2hr 15 min.jpg

Now to finish up the advanced training and start some real hunting/farming

Yomatsu mines with toilet seat.jpg


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
On another note how do you post pictures on here ?
If from game hit Print Screen/open paint/edit/paste and then you can crop or whatever and save as in a folder or wherever. Then here click upload file and find the pic you want.


I know it's been a while, but I wanted to thank you for this. The training system was a big mystery to me, and just seeing your final values helped me plan my first tiger (my first pet training of any kind).

Of course I'll mess him up, but that'll be my fault. And I can always get another one. :)


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know it's been a while, but I wanted to thank you for this. The training system was a big mystery to me, and just seeing your final values helped me plan my first tiger (my first pet training of any kind).

Of course I'll mess him up, but that'll be my fault. And I can always get another one. :)
They get a lot of points. if you dont use scrolls you will have extra points at the end. They say they are going to add a button to remove excess points soon.

Here are some more. Wild Tiger


Stratics Veteran
Think I'm missing the point, why is it better than say a Lesser Hiryu? Or a Cu? Or anything else with max str/base dmg?