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About the new publish,whats the top pet for spawn?


Stratics Veteran
Hi, I know lots of players are training their favorite pets at the moment. We have many choices for different pets and different pet abilities.. I am asking for some helps. I want a pet that can do the simple rat spawn or dragon spawn.. it can survival in spawn without my healing and kill the spawns as quick as possible, so my necro tamer can take the rest spawn! Which pet and what abilities for it is a good choice? Please give me some ideas, Thank you!


Crazed Zealot
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Hi, I know lots of players are training their favorite pets at the moment. We have many choices for different pets and different pet abilities.. I am asking for some helps. I want a pet that can do the simple rat spawn or dragon spawn.. it can survival in spawn without my healing and kill the spawns as quick as possible, so my necro tamer can take the rest spawn! Which pet and what abilities for it is a good choice? Please give me some ideas, Thank you!
Assuming trained up: Rune Beetle for Armor Corruption. Fantastic for bosses, especially now that they can double as a meatshield.


Crazed Zealot
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Assuming trained up: Rune Beetle for Armor Corruption. Fantastic for bosses, especially now that they can double as a meatshield.
What do you recommend using all the training points on for one?


Crazed Zealot
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What do you recommend using all the training points on for one?
Training some other pets right now so I can't check the Rune Beetles I've finished, but I generally stuck to resists, HP, Mana, and increasing the base damage. Other properties I gave them included Magery Mastery, 120's (Wrestling/Tactics/Eval), and Mana Regen.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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on test a guildy and myself went and did a rat.
i had aCu that i put an area effect spell on and he had a..... Unicorn i think? and he put that ant goo on it.
both pets where cranked up to Level 5 and GMed skills.
they went through the spawn with no problems at all.
the boss took longer to do than normal though.

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
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I just finished a white wyrm on Pac(my favorite) It was tough going until I finished my first tier of training(3-4). I then put some decent resists, h.p., and increased base damage.

Damn nice tank at this point, but was having a terrible time getting in killing blows on paragons/ they spam gh constantly. So on the finishing tier(4-5) I scrolled in wrestle/tactics/magic resist. I added armor Ignore and Mr/Sr/hpr. The armor ignore helped a ton sealing the deal at the end of the battle.

So far I like the results, I took a few minutes after I was done to hunt a few things. I killed several ancient wyrms a para balron and a para greater dragon, I could not nap while doing so but I was not on the edge of my seat all clinched up either :] I can't wait to train up my Cu now!

Note: I don't have taming mastery 3 this is without consume.
Note: 12000 band aids during training.
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Stratics Veteran
Para Balrons are smooth sailing with even a 4 slot Rune Beetle. At 5 slots, he kills Eternal Gazers and the Crazed mages in Shame 5, even though it does take time and the last 12% are a PITA. With Consume (3) at Tame/Lore120, tanking is stress free. Only my Cu outdoes the beetle in this regard.
However, the Beetle is a single target DD, not a spawn killing AOE machine.
I hope to be able to make my Dread Spider strong enough for that job, or, if that doesn't work out (it starts with 180ish HP), I'll try a necro Tsuki Wolf.


Babbling Loonie
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I hope to be able to make my Dread Spider strong enough for that job, or, if that doesn't work out (it starts with 180ish HP), I'll try a necro Tsuki Wolf.
Dread Spiders are glass cannons. They can dish out a lot of damage, especially AoE with Necro spells and Poison Breath, but then end up with 280-360 Health after everything they need (Skill Caps, Resists, SR/MR, Base Damage, AI, Poison Breath) is added to them.
The Tsuki Wolf makes for a decent tank with some AoE (Wither, Poison Strike), especially since they can also learn the Life Leech (not Life Steal) Special Ability after learning Necro. Very Mana intensive though, since each melee hit that leeches life back, consumes 5 Mana.


Grand Poobah
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Tsuki IMO Here is the first one I trained up no PS but he is hard to kill. I put Necro, bleed, and Life Leech on him. The life leech heals him almost as fast as he takes damage and they are very fast attackers.

Tsuki Wolf.jpg

Pumped his resist a good bit as well. Next one I do I will drop a Necro, SS, Wrestle, Anat, and tactics on.

Tsuki Wolf 2.jpg


Stratics Veteran
I like both Tsuki and Dread. The problem with the Dread is, she really can't take a beating at all, makes me dependent on another tamer for tanking till she gets a level or two.
I got 2 Tsuki Wolves, one with Bushido, a real tank, the second one (currently awaiting Bonding) will go the caster route with Necro and SS 120.


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So, 6 months later. Do you guys still see Tsukis as the best option for champion spawns?


I Hate Skilling
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So, 6 months later. Do you guys still see Tsukis as the best option for champion spawns?
I've never seen one at a Champ Spawn. Maybe someone uses them.

People are putting Chiv on any pet they can. I do see those.

Also it is a lot easier to take a mountable pet so you can mount it and move it from a bad spot or when it decides to chase something off screen. Pets are not obeying commands when they are getting aggro-ed by multiple mobs.


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One pet that works well, prior to the boss at least, is a Dimetrosaur.

It gets kind of dicey near the end, if you can't keep it from being swarmed by 4th-level spawn, but if you can keep it alive, it will knock down a lot of lesser spawn.

I've not had a chance yet to test it solo against an ilshenar Barracoon, and the one time I used it on a Fel one, I got raided.


One of the last Rangers of Skara Brae
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I returned to game from way back in 2003 and it's a completely new world and era. Still a bit of a newb, but I've learned fast.

So, from all the reading I've done on forums the last two days, people tend to say that Chivalry/Armor Ignore is the boss killer. Which is cool, because I already love that combo on my Archer and Samp.

But Enemy of One can cause a tanking problem for pet in group spawn due to 100% damage increase to pet. Which makes sense, because my Samp used to have that issue. But I'm not sure how often the pets EoO.

Apparently if you run Lv3 Consume Damage though around 700 pet hp, EoO won't cause you to break a sweat. Nor will much of anything else, supposedly. People are saying not to spend points into HP over 700 because of CD. I haven't even got to play with masteries yet, so I'm really curious.

AoE abilities are excellent they say, but pets will kill blues with it, so some people said to be careful where you fight with AoE. Poison beetles with rune corruption or something like that are a trend. I also see those a lot walking around on ATL.

But I also see a lot of Cu's and Mares, so when someone walks by with an Ice Mite, it seems exotic. lol

I love unicorns because it was the first pet I tamed back in 2003, so I'm training one now. It's at slot 4. I love it's poison immunity and magery. But I read that magery mastery isn't as good as the original magery on mares/uni's, so I'm curious to test it all out. I like that my Unicorn blesses itself.
That's a big buff.

Just my journey so far.
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