Shard Merging will NEVER happen... First off I like many others have at least 5 to 7 character on some of my accounts on EVERY shard... So what do you do allow folk to have 21+ characters on a shard???? or do you make them delete some???
Secondly you may not give a hoot about shard history... but I do... I could give a rats about any other shard I remain on mine because I do care about it's history... I know why it has various things that it has that other shards don't have... and I like that. I don't really care about the stuff on other shards.
If they wanted to do something it should be more of just connecting shards together in groups... and making many of the dungeons singular... However what do you do then about all the people who own houses in the Abyss??? Just take that away???
What about special castles on various shards??? Do you just take that away from them???
There are many reasons why shard mergers will never happen... but those are the biggest. That and we don't have anyone on the DEV team capable of programming something like that. You all waited how long for an update to window size and look how many bugs that came with...
I have 2 castles, 1 keep and over half a dozen other max storage houses many of which are 18x18... merge shards and force me to "downsize" and where would I keep all my crap? Force me to get rid of it and all and well ... I'd be easier just to close the accounts and forget it.
Super easy solution:
Create a new empty shards. I.e. 1 for west coast, 1 for east coast, 1 for Europe, etc... or maybe even one for multiple regions...
Turn off house placement on the legacy shards. Already placed houses are subject to remain.
Add an additional house pool, so you can have 1 on siege, 1 on legacy prod, 1 on new prod.
Turn off PvP, any spawn (mobs & resources) and all NPCs except bankers on all legacy shards. So no buying, no selling, no farming, no killing, no looting, no mining, etc, you get it. Which basically forces you to come to the new shard.
Allow free character transfer between any legacy shard in that area and the new shard. (Shard transfer tokens will still be useful between regions/new shards. Shard shields will remain functional. (Can create new shard shields as well plus a vendor which allows trading a legacy shield for a new shield).
So everyone can keep all his/her characters (you can only have 5-7 of those on the new shard, but you can shuffle them around as you want, as long as you have free slots (and with the new shard come 5-7 new slots))
And everyone can keep all his/her houses and can still use them. Regardless if in the abyss or anywhere else.
And you'll still have your history...