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NEWS [UO.Com] Combat Changes Update on TC1


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yes but u need wrestling for just 2 specials, not splintering and many others. yes they can use bush but must have the skill. to ask for a mage type to be able to do what a melee fight can. would screw a lot of templates/people. to say it wont be even easier to kill trammy pvm base chars is just totally wrong and u know. the end. do u really think people/trammies will stay or go to fel when u can just slaughter them. u know this is true. I know u can see the template possibilities to destroy. that all, have fun
Well, now I know exactly where you're coming from, and tacitcs required or not for specials makes absolutely no difference in the situation you're talking about.

Pvpers vs trammies. pvpers will always win that... because it's pvp.

You can trust me when i say this, it's because of how you play your template, is why a pvper will destroy it.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I really think you aren't giving people the benefit of the doubt. I think the large group of people you speak of really want to make the game better for everyone. The more people that play, the more everyone has fun. You think there is some sinister motive behind the people who don't agree with an alchy/nova nerf, and that isn't the case. And lets be real, whatever the devs decide to do, the people at the top of PVP are going to remain there, with our without novas.
Except that's not what they're after at all. Everyone except that group is tired of the same **** every day: the novas, the same templates on every player, the 3rd party programs that "don't make a difference" (except for the part where they actually do make a difference, especially against people that don't use them.)


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Spell damage nerf on spell plague is too much, it should not be doing LESS than production shards. Spell plague first initial hit should be around 30-33 dmg. Right now on production it's max damage is 28.
The idea is to fix spell plague not boost it. Currently spell plague on production has 15 sdi and int bonus baked in. It needs to be scaled on test center so you need 15 sdi and the int bonus to acheive the 28 damage. The spell with procs is already powerful enough. I get that you like mystics and want as big as a boost as possible, but the sleep boost will be plenty to make them worth while. They already have one of the best defensive spells in game.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The damage shouldn't be going down from live shard.
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why was Saving Throw removed? I don't get it. I understand some people were talking about removing it from ranged weapons, but this change affects all weapon skills.

And do the bonuses from Warrior's Gifts allow a player to go beyond the current hci/dci and hp caps?
Warrior's Gift over-caps 150 HP up to 165 HP, so Yes, the HCI & DCI bonuses do not over-cap, they will just allow you to be at 45 hci and/or dci cap with only 40 from items.
I don't think that's going to make it to live servers though...

There was nothing wrong with Saving Throw the way it was for melee weapons, it just shouldn't have applied to ranged.

unfortunately the "Warrior's gifts" also applied to both melee & ranged weapon skills. =/

Whatever the bonus is, it cannot be shared between both melee & ranged. because it'll always be more useful for ranged.

DJ Diddles

Stratics Veteran
Hit point increase with Warrior's Gift is incredibly stupid and unnecessary. I think the proposed change in this thread of 5 HCI, 5 DCI, and 15 Damage Increase is more logically consistent in addition to being way more balanced. Those Damage Increase also does not need to overcap, either.

I also don't think saving throws (for ranged or melee weapons) has any place in this game. Too much RNG and it's an unnecessary suit-creation hassle.

EDIT: To Virem who deleted his post, yes for some people 5 HCI, 5 DCI, and 15 DI is better than 15 mana increase. But if you're the least bit competent at suit-building you will not need that HCI, DCI, and DI. If it's not overcapping it's quite a bit less useful than 15 mana for anyone with a halfway decent suit.
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Great DC

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And lets be real, whatever the devs decide to do, the people at the top of PVP are going to remain there, with our without novas.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Dumbest answer I ever heard.

Great DC

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There is no skilled pvp right now. You guys are pvping in a group of no skilled players with high DPS templates. There should be no high DPS templates in UO, it should be about group play and tactics. If you think otherwise then your the problem and not the solution.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't give a **** about PvP in this game anymore, so for PvM I like the change of Saving Throw > Warrior's Gift. Definitely would get more use out of it. Guessing the HPI will get nerfed before it goes live though.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't give a **** about PvP in this game anymore, so for PvM I like the change of Saving Throw > Warrior's Gift. Definitely would get more use out of it. Guessing the HPI will get nerfed before it goes live though.
From what I heard, it already was. I didn't go back on Test to confirm it. I did like the other mods it gave though...except for HCI/DCI being bugged if you were already at the cap & switched the Mastery.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The damage shouldn't be going down from live shard.
I am not arguing that. If you have 15 sdi and the int bonus- it should be hitting for 28 like production. If you have less in either, it should be hitting for less. Simple.


Stratics Veteran

Good change getting rid of saving throw. Now just take Diddle's advice and change that +15 HPI to non-overcapping +15 DI and you're golden.

Should have never added that garbage to the game! Can reasonably drop parry and keep focus spec if disarm is viable again. Made my wrestle mage good for stun punch only, sucked having half my specials taken away.

Disarmability will also put a check on the power of the weapon skill mages that'll pop up again with the tactics changes.
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Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am not arguing that. If you have 15 sdi and the int bonus- it should be hitting for 28 like production. If you have less in either, it should be hitting for less. Simple.
It's hitting for a max 24 on test, 26 with scribe


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Toggle Specials while casting. Link it to GM Focus! It'll add more templates and by linking it to Focus you can battle OP Focused Scribe Tanks

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So now we go with:

120 Mystic
120 Focus
120 Resist
120 Archery
100 Alchy
80 Chiv
30 Necro
30 Spirit

Corpse/Plague/Pain spike (scroll)/AI with fireball/Nova/Trigger


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I didn't know they raised arch cure from 60% to 100%. Must have skipped past that part on patch notes.
60%? Unless I'm in stat, I can't recall one (non-interrupted) time where I've ever failed to cure higher levels of poison with arch cure. Even years ago when they first added that.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
60%? Unless I'm in stat, I can't recall one (non-interrupted) time where I've ever failed to cure higher levels of poison with arch cure. Even years ago when they first added that.
The myrmidex queens poison can fail to cure even with arch cure, many times in a row even...


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The myrmidex queens poison can fail to cure even with arch cure, many times in a row even...
in a pvp setting though? MAYBE Lethal would have that issue, but you likely won't see that unless it's a Nox Necro.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
  • Added Parry to Focus Spec restriction list
  • What does this, exactly, mean for Parry/Scribe mages?


Stratics Veteran

For people complaining about keeping saving throw for melee users, this cannot happen.

Saving throw has to be a for everyone or for no one mastery. End of story.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
in a pvp setting though? MAYBE Lethal would have that issue, but you likely won't see that unless it's a Nox Necro.
No, not in pvp. I don't know if players do (or should) have access to the level poison the queen uses.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

For people complaining about keeping saving throw for melee users, this cannot happen.

Saving throw has to be a for everyone or for no one mastery. End of story.
You know, the main reason to be a ranged weapon user is to avoid melee weapon users. why should ranged have something that's only defensive against melee users?
I don't think necessarily that ranged weapons shouldn't have a passive mastery, they just shouldn't get something shared with melee weapon skills.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No, not in pvp. I don't know if players do (or should) have access to the level poison the queen uses.
If players were able to use lethal poison, it wouldn't be the same as the queens poison anyway.

but you know, if people did have access to it, maybe some people would have poisoning.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
  • Added Parry to Focus Spec restriction list
  • What does this, exactly, mean for Parry/Scribe mages?
Damage output for exp Fs no longer tops out at 80.

It now reduced to 69-72 points with scribe.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If players were able to use lethal poison, it wouldn't be the same as the queens poison anyway.

but you know, if people did have access to it, maybe some people would have poisoning.
If players had access to it, everyone would have poisoning...


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If players had access to it, everyone would have poisoning...
Well, it would be better than everyone having alchemy. poisoning effects one spell / one dexer attack. and besides, the queens poison is stronger than lethal... it's a scaling poison that increases the longer you stay in range.. (it's easy to cure if you run like 8 tiles away, and back in)


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You know, the main reason to be a ranged weapon user is to avoid melee weapon users. why should ranged have something that's only defensive against melee users?
I don't think necessarily that ranged weapons shouldn't have a passive mastery, they just shouldn't get something shared with melee weapon skills.
Being able to block disarm was a very stupid and overpowered mastery to begin with. I am glad it is being taken out.

No, melee users shouldn't still be able to have it. I also agree with others than splintering shouldn't proc on a disarm (or other specials for that matter).


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Being able to block disarm was a very stupid and overpowered mastery to begin with. I am glad it is being taken out.

No, melee users shouldn't still be able to have it. I also agree with others than splintering shouldn't proc on a disarm (or other specials for that matter).
You don't think disarm fests are stupid either? That's worse than not being disarm-able in the first place (IMO)

Yea I agree with the disarm/splinter, but that's easy to take full advantage of when you have melee & archery... melee dexers are easy to avoid (mostly) without even running.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You don't think disarm fests are stupid either? That's worse than not being disarm-able in the first place (IMO)

Yea I agree with the disarm/splinter, but that's easy to take full advantage of when you have melee & archery... melee dexers are easy to avoid (mostly) without even running.
If you are referring to wrestle... they give up quite a bit for the perk of not being able to be disarmmed. Anat + Eval even more so.

I was fine with disarm the way it was. But, I am also a hater on all the masteries. I think they should all have never been implemented.

Let's get these changes in first and then we can work on splintering/scaling alchemy pots. They seem to be getting some things right here.

Oh- has anyone tested the necro change- is it that you can actually corpse down to 55 with any necro/ss or that it scales on skill up to 120, but modified skill? I really hope its the former.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was referring to dexer vs dexer, is still but was even more so disarm over and over between the two until someone dies to it...
Mages with wrestling get disarm as a special. with not much a reason to use it, unless they don't have parry.

Wrestling & or Anatomy give up weapon damage, but they also get no lack of defense from disarm and keep the ability to chug potions. If they have parry it's up to an additional 35% block on top of that.
with focus spec, it's all advantages for both wrestling or anatomy.

overpowered vs any melee-only dexer that doesn't cast spells. without giving up damage (because of focus spec), this is why Parry is on the focus list... Alchemy needs to at bare minimum, be on the focus list as well.

Sure, the masteries could have just not ever existed.

I think the main reason people are complaining about masteries now, is because they're going to be able to drop tactics and doing so, will reduce the effectiveness of the mastery. you don't see people complaining about parry-mastery right? because you never needed tactics for that. (the only masteries people are talking about, are the ones that require tactics lol)


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was referring to dexer vs dexer, is still but was even more so disarm over and over between the two until someone dies to it...
Mages with wrestling get disarm as a special. with not much a reason to use it, unless they don't have parry.

Wrestling & or Anatomy give up weapon damage, but they also get no lack of defense from disarm and keep the ability to chug potions. If they have parry it's up to an additional 35% block on top of that.
with focus spec, it's all advantages for both wrestling or anatomy.

overpowered vs any melee-only dexer that doesn't cast spells. without giving up damage (because of focus spec), this is why Parry is on the focus list... Alchemy needs to at bare minimum, be on the focus list as well.

Sure, the masteries could have just not ever existed.

I think the main reason people are complaining about masteries now, is because they're going to be able to drop tactics and doing so, will reduce the effectiveness of the mastery. you don't see people complaining about parry-mastery right? because you never needed tactics for that. (the only masteries people are talking about, are the ones that require tactics lol)
People will forever complain about what they die to- as if they won't die to something new afterwards. It's the cycle of this game. Now when people die to things that are way overpowered, that is when I can jump on board and agree.

Giving weapons a special that randomly procs AND walks someone is one of the worst things the devs thought of.

Bombastic Fail

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ive of the firm belief if more than 50% of the population is using a type of skill, weapon, special, spell, consumable, etc.... It needs looked in to for balance.

There is about a 75% chance that the "object" being used is way more powerful than the other choices, hence balance needs to be restored.

Archery, why dont people use an Elven Composite bow? Terrible specials and damage/speed. Why do people use "insert stronger bow type name here" ?? Because it is faster/stronger and has better specials.

Do we nerf the strong bows or buff the weak ones?

This works for every skill/class/weapon...

Everything won't be balanced. I understand that, but we can make a better effort.

Now, when it comes to something EVERYONE IS USING it is too strong. (Alchemy for instance)

Actually, EP + Alchemy bonus isnt calculated right, but no one wants to believe it, when the tests clearly show more than a 30% increase when stacked with 50% EP.

So everyone gets used to using the over powered nature of it, and dont want to ADAPT or have it changed. Hence, the problems we are running in to where more people cry about it and it doesnt get changed. And we wonder why our templates have no diversity.

If I'm using alchemy/EP for 80% (actually more but we will pretend the formula isn't screwed up) extra damage on Novas, you have to use alchemy/EP for 80% extra heals on your heal pot.

Notice how this is a never ending cycle?

Change is a good thing, and I get very annoyed at testing things, showing proper data, putting down a collective thought process (In proper -EASY ON THE EYES TO READ- English), to be ignored by answers like...

Omg its been like that for years.

Its not strong. Stfu newb.

Adapt and get it yourself.

Not my fault your suit sucks.

Only 1 option is useful.

It takes 100 skill points to be worth while.

Seriously? Those are the arguments that are keeping this skill (And EP in general) untouched and unnerfed?

Now, take out the word alchemy, and insert archery, and you have almost identical arguments.

Did I prove my point yet? Just saying.

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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I rarely pvp, and I am terrible at it, but I would like to make a suggestion. Disclaimer: I like mages. I'm just saying, I am not impartial. (To me, that is kind of the point of medieval fantasy games).

There seems to have always been a seesaw in the attempt to attain a balance between spell-casters and warriors. I think that the fundamental flaw is that the attempt always tries to balance efforts between players, as opposed to balancing the skills themselves against each other.

Combat. Interrupted:
As other posts have alluded to, it seems like the game has become a race to o/p between archers and mages. (Basically, ranged warfare has taken precedence over close quarter fighting.) People in this thread and the previous thread regarding the proposed combat changes have argued that archery being overpowered is the issue, as opposed to the moving shot ability from certain weapons. It occurs to me that the main difference between spell-casting and other combat is that only spell-casting is interruptible. If you look at spellcasting as the other form of ranged combat, it suggests that you could balance magery and archery by implementing the same interruption system for both skills (or swing speed reduction for guaranteed attacks). You could even take it a step farther and give a focused bonus to archers or other warriors that have less than 30 skill in another combat art. Following the same logic, spell-casters that have many skill points invested in various types of magic could get a mana reduction bonus for their spell-casting.

On a separate note, I don't really understand the logic behind removing tactics from being a warrior requirement. Is this the beginning of a reduction of unnecessary skills that clutter the game?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ive of the firm belief if more than 50% of the population is using a type of skill, weapon, special, spell, consumable, etc.... It needs looked in to for balance.

There is about a 75% chance that the "object" being used is way more powerful than the other choices, hence balance needs to be restored.

Archery, why dont people use an Elven Composite bow? Terrible specials and damage/speed. Why do people use "insert stronger bow type name here" ?? Because it is faster/stronger and has better specials.

Do we nerf the strong bows or buff the weak ones?

This works for every skill/class/weapon...

Everything won't be balanced. I understand that, but we can make a better effort.

Now, when it comes to something EVERYONE IS USING it is too strong. (Alchemy for instance)

Actually, EP + Alchemy bonus isnt calculated right, but no one wants to believe it, when the tests clearly show more than a 30% increase when stacked with 50% EP.

So everyone gets used to using the over powered nature of it, and dont want to ADAPT or have it changed. Hence, the problems we are running in to where more people cry about it and it doesnt get changed. And we wonder why our templates have no diversity.

If I'm using alchemy/EP for 80% (actually more but we will pretend the formula isn't screwed up) extra damage on Novas, you have to use alchemy/EP for 80% extra heals on your heal pot.

Notice how this is a never ending cycle?

Change is a good thing, and I get very annoyed at testing things, showing proper data, putting down a collective thought process (In proper -EASY ON THE EYES TO READ- English), to be ignored by answers like...

Omg its been like that for years.

Its not strong. Stfu newb.

Adapt and get it yourself.

Not my fault your suit sucks.

Only 1 option is useful.

It takes 100 skill points to be worth while.

Seriously? Those are the arguments that are keeping this skill (And EP in general) untouched and unnerfed?

Now, take out the word alchemy, and insert archery, and you have almost identical arguments.

Did I prove my point yet? Just saying.

I personally would like this to happen: Devs explain how alchemy actually works. 33.3 does not seem to equal 10%. I want to know if 50 alchemy is actually better.

Next, explain if it is truly 30% bonus at gm and if that is what is supposed to be applied to all pots. Clearly the math is not adding up. If it is not being applied that way, give us an explanation of why- one way or the other. If it is figured that the math is wrong- fkin fix it. I mean this is simple input devs could give us and there would be literally nothing to argue at that point.

Old Vet Back Again

Stratics Veteran
Now, when it comes to something EVERYONE IS USING it is too strong. (Alchemy for instance)

Actually, EP + Alchemy bonus isnt calculated right, but no one wants to believe it, when the tests clearly show more than a 30% increase when stacked with 50% EP.

Ok, since I am really trying to understand the 4 people arguing against alchemy help me understand the above. UO wiki and UOGuide show that there is an added dmg calculation added for every point you have in Alchemy.

Let's take EX pot for example. "If the user of explosion potions has any alchemy skill the damage will be increased by 1 for every 5 points of alchemy skill the user has.
The effects of Enhance Potion items are also added to explosion potions. Explosion potions cannot be used if you are [frozen]."

So clearly it states that you get an added dmg bonus that stacks on top of EP. So with 100 alchemy and 50 EP (jewels) you have 80EP plus a bonus that stacks with it. So yea you are correct it doesn't add up to a straight 30% conversion because there is the added dmg bonus. So stating that it isn't calculated correctly, when it is in fact doing just that.

So now knowing that, I'm cool with adjusting the formula to reduce the dmg slightly. But no one has presented an argument besides that it is unavoidable and uninterruptible, which are both debatable. So instead of going back and forth, what do you propose in regards to a slight reduction in dmg because that is something that I can reach a compromise on.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So now knowing that, I'm cool with adjusting the formula to reduce the dmg slightly. But no one has presented an argument besides that it is unavoidable and uninterruptible, which are both debatable. So instead of going back and forth, what do you propose in regards to a slight reduction in dmg because that is something that I can reach a compromise on.
Really? I've posted multiple times asking for a damage reduction/change in the damage formula, and I'm not the only one. NOW you agree that it's a problem? I...y'know what, I give up.

Great DC

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The biggest proof that novas are OP is that when people found it out there was massive trial accounts opened to farm thousands of them. Now why would anyone do that if it didn't give them such a powerful advantage.

The calculation is only screwed up on damage potions @PaithanTheElf , it works correctly at 30% on heals cures agility strength. Alchemy raises base damage on damage potions and then applies the 80EP on top of that afterwards. So Basically--

If conflag base damage is 1 with 0 EP, the more alchemy skill u have the higher that becomes before adding in EP. WIth GM Alchemy base damage would be 6-7 damage a tick then you add in 50 EP jewels to give it 2-3 more damage a tick. Same with novas and explosion potions. That's not even adding in curse or corpseskin to the mix either.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I personally would like this to happen: Devs explain how alchemy actually works. 33.3 does not seem to equal 10%. I want to know if 50 alchemy is actually better.

Next, explain if it is truly 30% bonus at gm and if that is what is supposed to be applied to all pots. Clearly the math is not adding up. If it is not being applied that way, give us an explanation of why- one way or the other. If it is figured that the math is wrong- fkin fix it. I mean this is simple input devs could give us and there would be literally nothing to argue at that point.
According to the UO wiki, the calculation is correct (This doesn't mean it's balanced). the information available to us is as follows.
Enhance Potions Property
Battling alchemists have an ‘enhance potions’ effect from skill which stacks with the property found on items.

  • Healing, curing and enhancing potions can be enhanced.
  • If the user an explosion potion has any alchemy skill, every 5 points of skill they have will add 1 extra point of damage to the potion. Note: Explosion potions cannot be used if you are frozen.
  • If the user of a conflagration potion has any alchemy skill, every 13 points of skill they have will add 1 extra point of damage to the potion.
  • If the user of invisibility potions has any alchemy skill, every 10 points of skill they have will add 1 second to the duration of the potion.
Edit: The formula for "Supernovas" isn't listed.

the "Patch" notes when alchemy was changed, was misinformation, which is (I believe) where most people get their numbers/information

However, IMO, if potions should hit for as much as they do. they should do that with just 50% EP from items, and not gain a bonus at all from alchemy.

As it stands, Alchemy is Better than scribe. Alchemy is better than Poisoning. There's only two reasons you wouldn't have something Instead Alchemy....

1) You don't carry pots.
2) Your template doesn't have room for Alchemy.

If you have Scribe or Poisoning:

1) You have Alchemy already and still have room for another skill.
2) you don't carry pots, so Alchemy would do almost nothing for you.

I'm just using the skills that give offensive bonuses that also do not break focus spec for this example. there are other options besides Scribe & Poisoning, but they are less useful for obvious reasons...
That, is not Balance. If it were balanced there would be a healthier variety of templates.

Same goes for the rest of the game. Pvm, PvP it doesn't matter.

Great DC

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
[QUOTE=". So instead of going back and forth, what do you propose in regards to a slight reduction in dmg because that is something that I can reach a compromise on.[/QUOTE]

Its simple, fix the calculation so that it works the same on damage potions as it does heal potions. This was said about 40 times already if you cared to read any other posts. heal potion 25-28 with just EP, with alchemy it adds 30% more. Damage potions get a 300% increase in damage as of right now. Lets lower that to 30% like it should be. If it was 30% and 80 EP nova would do 13-15 damage, which is fine. Still usable by all those bad pvpers that "NEED" it to get a kill.

Old Vet Back Again

Stratics Veteran
Really? I've posted multiple times asking for a damage reduction/change in the damage formula, and I'm not the only one. NOW you agree that it's a problem? I...y'know what, I give up.
Never said it was a problem, I said I am willing to discuss a slight dmg reduction as a compromise. But I will say that I do disagree with any needed change. You'll still die regardless just one less thing to cry about.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Never said it was a problem, I said I am willing to discuss a slight dmg reduction as a compromise. But I will say that I do disagree with any needed change. You'll still die regardless just one less thing to cry about.
You didn't? Then, uh, why did you say this:

So now knowing that, I'm cool with adjusting the formula to reduce the dmg slightly. But no one has presented an argument besides that it is unavoidable and uninterruptible, which are both debatable. So instead of going back and forth, what do you propose in regards to a slight reduction in dmg because that is something that I can reach a compromise on.
If it wasn't a problem, there wouldn't need to be a reduction in the damage...

But anyway. Here it is again: Tone down the Alchemy bonus so that it's a flat 30% increase on ALL pots (which is currently applied to non-damaging pots), instead of the massive boost it currently gives to damage pots. 80% (stacked with EP) is not too high or unreasonable.

Old Vet Back Again

Stratics Veteran
not sure what happened with the quotes...

@Great DC 300% is a gross exaggeration,and no, I will not get on board with an a dmg of 15. So much for a comprimise, ay? It's funny that the players advocating to keep novas are being called skill-less when I hold every single one of them in higher regard of their skills than the 4 people wanting a nerf. Strange, no??

@drcossack Stating I am willing to reach a compromise does not state that I acknowledge there is an issue. It means I am willing to entertain a middle ground, but it seems that you are not. I would never agree to investing 100 skill points and only getting a 30% increase to EP.

Great DC

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just gave you the numbers showing that its at minimum a 300% increase, that's if the person has resist spells and isn't cursed or corpse. It goes even higher to like 500% if all that falls into place. What more can I do then hard fact proven math for you to understand? @Old Vet Back Again


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@drcossack Stating I am willing to reach a compromise does not state that I acknowledge there is an issue. It means I am willing to entertain a middle ground, but it seems that you are not. I would never agree to investing 100 skill points and only getting a 30% increase to EP.
if you don't like what was suggested, by all means, please feel free to come up with a better solution.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Never said it was a problem, I said I am willing to discuss a slight dmg reduction as a compromise. But I will say that I do disagree with any needed change. You'll still die regardless just one less thing to cry about.
Everything was fine with alchemy before Supernovas became a thing. thus, Supernovas should me removed OR they shouldn't gain a bonus from alchemy. (that's what I think about it anyway)

Reasoning. Alchemy was useful before supernovas came out, why? because more players actually had Poisoning. Alchemy is good against poisoning, while giving small bonuses to other potions that are useful against other skills or in certain situations. (conflags, explodes, heals)

It was more based on play-style, and what people wanted to play... instead of being forced to play at a disadvantage or to play what's the best.. Archers & Alchy-Parry-Mages
4/6 chivalry became more relevant with holy-fist... Necromancy is only "good" for dexers, because mages need the debuffs from it to be useful...

The more I think about it. It would probably be in the games best interest to just remove all consumable-enhancing effects & skills form the game. and make all consumable items function at the same level for everyone. This way, it would just open up Viable Options.

You get people, saying... "we need to make it easier to kill others, not more difficult -Randy" (I've heard a lot of different people say that in vent)... but, why not start by toning down consumables impact?
people blame HPR & Damage Eater as reasons people became much harder to kill. Healing potions, counting the cool-down out heal cap HPR by about about 4 HP/sec. Damage eater only works 3 seconds after you take damage and it up to 18-30% (caps depending on type of eater) of that damage taken... very very small amounts healed, in other words it's very close to irrelevant.

If Cure potions had a cool-down, more people would have Poisoning.
If Apples had a 1 minute cool-down, more people would have Necromancy. And Chivalry & Mystic skills would have more use. (they are the only ones that are able to remove curse)
If Supernovas weren't a "free" 20+ damage, not Everyone would have Alchemy.

if Refresh Potions had a cool-down. maybe archers wouldn't be incredibly overpowered. Melee dexers can't stay close enough to people for stamina to make a difference (lol)

The game could probably be fixed completely by removing any "bonuses" to consumables.
After all... "Please, no more RNG to mage pvp, Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. :rant2: Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!"