1. There is a huge difference between "you can't survive on several very easy bosses" (you can't kill) and "Sometimes you just can't survive" (sometimes you die).I'm not saying you personally. You put a list of monsters with numbers next to them reflecting what you considered issues of Throwing. Including:
2. Sometimes you do 2x less damage because of range issues.
... Sometimes you are not able to chain AI because of 2.
... Sometimes you do 4x less damage because of combination 1 and 2.
3. Sometimes you lose 10x more stamina per hit taken because of lack of damage reduction.
... Sometimes you just can't survive because of lack of damage reduction.
The list of monsters you gave included Stygian Dragon, Slasher, Dragon Turtle and Blackthorn Masters. Which most people who go around killing bosses would consider easy.
2. Look at the list of monsters. There are numbers in brackets and I explained why. So not those monsters are affected by point 3.
3. Stygian Dragon and Slasher are not "very easy bosses". I don't know where you got this (probably they mean "easy to get keys"). When you played UO there was just one monster harder - Shimmering. Easy bosses are Dreadhorn, Medusa, etc.
In other topic you say that usually you can AI about 15 times in a row without Wraith form. Do you think 1 shot without AI of 16 make noticeable difference?You're still going to AI more in Wraith Form.
Your point was about Wraith form. You do more damage because of Wraith form. And 55 LMC and 50 HML is why you don't. And yes, Thrower can chain AI without Wraith form.You can have 55 LMC on the Thrower too so that point is moot.
So almost 100 less imbuing weight on a Glaive is not drawback and Balanced on the weapon is drawback? And possibility is to select and/or switch between Balanced/not Balanced (more powerful) weapon is not an advantage?The point was a Thrower can use pots because they're one handed, but an Archer needs to Imbue Balanced or unequip, whatever way you chose to word it/hear it that is a drawback for Archery and not Throwing.
You said "you keep saying this and this" while I don't keep saying those things.I've no idea what you just said, could you reword it?
There may be times when people run out of charges on arcane boots. Is it an argument to don't use arcane boots?there may be times when people run out.