You lie again. I didn't said you used photoshop. I said that posted pictures where I can't see base character damage and range and claimed that the range was max and the damage was 100% of max possible for this char against this monster.
You said the pictures were fake. Which typically means altered. Which you have no proof of. The only thing that was altered was they were cropped to show the relevant information (damage numbers). It was the same character in both shots, I only have one account, if it was a different character the damage numbers wouldn't show up on my screen. The base damage was the same in both instances, the weapon, and skills were the same in both instances. In the first picture you can clearly see it is at 1 tile, and in the second I primed AI and let the GD walk into range so it triggered at max range. The character is using a damage slayer and has 95 DI on items (because I haven't re-Imbued them from a suit change a while ago), 120 Anat/Tact.
You lie again. I didn't said thar you can't do Fel spawn on Thrower. I said that you need a PvP char on Fel spawns (to defend yourself from raids). I also said that you can't farm Fel Whetstone without Teleport.
You said:
- boring non-Felucca spawn (on Felucca you need a group and a PvP char)
You do not need a group or PvP character to spawn in Fel.
There is difference between what there is on your picture and what you saying. You claim about range and there are no any range numbers.
No there isn't. UO doesn't show range numbers.
You said there is no reason to play an archer which means a thrower is better. Some players could read it and decide that it is true and start a thrower instead of an archer. I just posted reasons to play archer.
No, I said this:
"At this point in time I don't think there's any compelling reason to play any weapon skill other than Swords or Throwing in PvM."
Key words you should take notice of are "I" and "think" (meaning it is my opinion) and "compelling" (meaning that matter in actual game play). What you have interpreted what I said as is a factual statement that I did not make. If players want to start Throwers or Archers that is up to them.
I post facts. And what do you post?
You do not post facts. You post SOME facts, and a LOT of speculation, you also do so in such a needlessly rude and ignorant manner that it clouds any point you were trying to make.
I post whatever I like. Sometimes facts, sometimes opinion, but always based on my experience playing the character/UO.
You posted a picture like a proof about ranges and there are no any information about ranges on the pictures.
Well I don't know what you want me to do Corwin, I'm not editing my art files or using scripts to display range information, you can clearly see the positions of my characters in both pictures.
You posted "I have done Virtuebane? lol." and even didn't mention did you do it in a party and what char did you use. It is obvious that even my crafter can do Virtuebane in a party.
Yeah, and as your clearly still not getting why I didn't mention it, let me spell it out again. You posted something YOU DO NOT KNOW...
I see you never did vbain.
...This is you making an ignorant speculative statement. You have no idea whatsoever what I or anyone else in UO has or hasn't done unless I or they tell you or you were there. However, just because you've made a stupid statement doesn't mean anyone has to 'prove' themselves to you. If I post on here that you spend your time dancing around the house in a dress are you obliged to prove me wrong? No. Because I have no way of knowing what you may or may not get up to in your free time, just as you don't know what anyone else does.
Acting like the only way anyone else can do anything in UO is if they're in a party, and comparing it to your crafter, is why you sound rude and ignorant.
You posted "my Throwers a Wraith so why would I be running out of range to remount. My Thrower solod Slasher long before you. It's still on this forum look it up." and Google doesn't know about you solo'ed Slasher with Wraith Thrower. Does it mean that you solo'ed it not in Wraith form but is using it as an argument that you needn't fly to do it? The only video I found was with a thrower not in a Wraith form and the thrower ran out of range to start flying every time it was dismounted - exactly as I said. (by the way how could you had posted it "long before" if you registered less than 2 year ago? or your post was just like "5 years ago I solo'ed Slasher"?)
You posted that not being able to remount is a drawback on Slasher/Stygian and it is not. I stopped playing UO in 2011, then started again a bit later, I didn't have my login details when I started again so I created a new forum name. The thread continued to be bumped for several years after I stopped playing.
Took me all of 30 seconds, here:
[Throwing] - Throwing Wammy
And oh look, what a surprise as with the Ninja thread you claimed you didn't know about, you've posted in that one too.
It doesn't matter when it was, it's no different now than it was then, I've done it since but it's hardly worth posting every time I do something. It's even easier now because of reforging and new artifacts etc.
You answered to "you have not soloed any serious monster last 5 years" and didn't mention any monsters you solo'ed.
Yes because as explained 3 times now, people don't have to, this forum has been full of things I've solod for years. Just because you can't find it, have forgotten you've posted in the thread, and I can't be bothered to trawl through them to make you a comprehensive list doesn't discount it from happening.
And all those facts about your manner to post are just from one your post. And your other answers are in the same manner.
Again you've confused fact with speculation. Most of the time because you haven't comprehended what is being said to start with.