I been looking for the owner of the Shannara (owner: Kaelan) and University of Virtue (owner: TRACI) in fel Napa.I actually have a bunch of houses out there that I don't know about. Hehe
Over the years I have inherited a bunch of accounts from friends that have either quit or passed away and i'm now up to 14 accounts.
When my good friend passed away I inherited her 3 accounts and a 3 ring notebook of scribbles and notes for her accounts. In the notes it says that one of the accounts has 43 houses, the 2nd account notes say it has 19 houses and the 3rd account notes say it has 57 houses! I have tried looking for them but she played all over the servers and hated magery so no runes. I have pretty much given up looking. How long would it take to run around Fel and check every single house sign?
I would like to put a teleport down to unique spots on Napa.
PM me if you think you have somthing